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Hands-On Simulation Modeling with Python 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Hands-On Simulation Modeling with Python

Develop simulation models to get accurate results and enhance decision-making processes
소장전자책 정가23,000
Hands-On Simulation Modeling with Python 표지 이미지

Hands-On Simulation Modeling with Python작품 소개

<Hands-On Simulation Modeling with Python> Enhance your simulation modeling skills by creating and analyzing digital prototypes of a physical model using Python programming with this comprehensive guide

▶What You Will Learn
⦁Gain an overview of the different types of simulation models
⦁Get to grips with the concepts of randomness and data generation process
⦁Understand how to work with discrete and continuous distributions
⦁Work with Monte Carlo simulations to calculate a definite integral
⦁Find out how to simulate random walks using Markov chains
⦁Obtain robust estimates of confidence intervals and standard errors of population parameters
⦁Discover how to use optimization methods in real-life applications
⦁Run efficient simulations to analyze real-world systems

▶Key Features
⦁Learn to create a digital prototype of a real model using hands-on examples
⦁Evaluate the performance and output of your prototype using simulation modeling techniques
⦁Understand various statistical and physical simulations to improve systems using Python

▶Who This Book Is For
Hands-On Simulation Modeling with Python is for simulation developers and engineers, model designers, and anyone already familiar with the basic computational methods that are used to study the behavior of systems. This book will help you explore advanced simulation techniques such as Monte Carlo methods, statistical simulations, and much more using Python. Working knowledge of Python programming language is required.

▶What this book covers
⦁ Chapter 1, Introduction, analyzes the basics of numerical simulation and highlights the difference between modeling and simulation and the strengths of simulation models such as defects. The different types of models are analyzed, and we study practical modeling cases to understand how to elaborate a model starting from the initial considerations.

⦁ Chapter 2, Understanding Randomness and Random Numbers, defines stochastic processes and explains the importance of using them to address numerous real-world problems. The main methods for generating random numbers with practical examples in Python code, and the generation of uniform and generic distributions, are both explored. It also explains how to perform a uniformity test using the chi-square method.

⦁ Chapter 3, Probability and the Data Generating Process, shows how to distinguish between the different definitions of probabilities and how they can be integrated to obtain useful information in the simulation of real phenomena.

⦁ Chapter 4, Monte Carlo Simulations, explores techniques based on Monte Carlo methods for process simulation. We will first learn the basic concepts, and then we will see how to apply them to practical cases.

⦁ Chapter 5, Simulation-Based Markov Decision Process, shows how to deal with decisionmaking processes with Markov chains. We will analyze the concepts underlying Markovian processes and then analyze some practical applications to learn how to choose the right actions for the transition between different states of the system.

⦁ Chapter 6, Resampling Methods, shows how to apply resampling methods to approximate some characteristics of the distribution of a sample in order to validate a statistical model. We will analyze the basics of the most common resampling methods and learn how to use them by solving some practical problems.

⦁ Chapter 7, Use of Simulation to Improve and Optimize Systems, shows how to use the main optimization techniques to improve the performance of our simulation models. We will see how to use the gradient descent technique, the Newton-Raphson method, and stochastic gradient descent. We will also see how to apply these techniques with practical examples.

⦁ Chapter 8, Simulation Models for Financial Engineering, shows practical cases of using simulation methods in a financial context. We will learn how to use Monte Carlo methods to predict stock prices and how to assess the risk associated with a portfolio of shares.

⦁ Chapter 9, Simulating Physical Phenomena with Neural Networks, shows how to develop models based on artificial neural networks to simulate physical phenomena. We will start by exploring the basic concepts of neural networks, and we will examine their architecture and its main elements. We will see how to train a network to update its weights.

⦁ Chapter 10, Modeling and Simulation for Project Management, deals with practical cases of project management using the tools we learned how to use in the previous chapters. We will see how to evaluate in advance the results of the actions undertaken in the management of a forest using Markov processes, and then move on to evaluating the time required for the execution of a project using the Monte Carlo simulation.

⦁ Chapter 11, What’s Next?, provides a better understanding of the problems associated with building and deploying simulation models and additional resources and technologies to learn how to hone your machine learning skills.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
Simulation modeling helps you to create digital prototypes of physical models to analyze how they work and predict their performance in the real world. With this comprehensive guide, you'll understand various computational statistical simulations using Python.

Starting with the fundamentals of simulation modeling, you'll understand concepts such as randomness and explore data generating processes, resampling methods, and bootstrapping techniques. You'll then cover key algorithms such as Monte Carlo simulations and Markov decision processes, which are used to develop numerical simulation models, and discover how they can be used to solve real-world problems. As you advance, you'll develop simulation models to help you get accurate results and enhance decision-making processes. Using optimization techniques, you'll learn to modify the performance of a model to improve results and make optimal use of resources. The book will guide you in creating a digital prototype using practical use cases for financial engineering, prototyping project management to improve planning, and simulating physical phenomena using neural networks.

By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to construct and deploy simulation models of your own to overcome real-world challenges.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
⦁ Giuseppe Ciaburro
Giuseppe Ciaburro holds a PhD in environmental technical physics, along with two master's degrees. His research was focused on machine learning applications in the study of urban sound environments. He works at the Built Environment Control Laboratory at the Universita degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy. He has over 18 years' professional experience in programming (Python, R, and MATLAB), first in the field of combustion, and then in acoustics and noise control. He has several publications to his credit.


▷ Section 1: Getting Started with Numerical Simulation
⦁Chapter 1: Introducing Simulation Models
⦁Chapter 2: Understanding Randomness and Random Numbers
⦁Chapter 3: Probability and Data Generation Processes

▷ Section 2: Simulation Modeling Algorithms and Techniques
⦁Chapter 4: Exploring Monte Carlo Simulations
⦁Chapter 5: Simulation-Based Markov Decision Processes
⦁Chapter 6: Resampling Methods
⦁Chapter 7: Using Simulation to Improve and Optimize Systems

▷ Section 3: Real-World Applications
⦁Chapter 8: Using Simulation Models for Financial Engineering
⦁Chapter 9: Simulating Physical Phenomena Using Neural Networks
⦁Chapter 10: Modeling and Simulation for Project Management
⦁Chapter 11: What's Next?


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