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Node.js Design Patterns Third Edition 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Node.js Design Patterns Third Edition

Design and implement production-grade Node.js applications using proven patterns and techniques
소장전자책 정가28,000
Node.js Design Patterns Third Edition 표지 이미지

Node.js Design Patterns Third Edition작품 소개

<Node.js Design Patterns Third Edition> Learn proven patterns, techniques, and tricks to take full advantage of the Node.js platform. Master well-known design principles to create applications that are readable, extensible, and that can grow big.

▶Book Description
In this book, we will show you how to implement a series of best practices and design patterns to help you create efficient and robust Node.js applications with ease.

We kick off by exploring the basics of Node.js, analyzing its asynchronous event driven architecture and its fundamental design patterns. We then show you how to build asynchronous control flow patterns with callbacks, promises and async/await. Next, we dive into Node.js streams, unveiling their power and showing you how to use them at their full capacity. Following streams is an analysis of different creational, structural, and behavioral design patterns that take full advantage of JavaScript and Node.js. Lastly, the book dives into more advanced concepts such as Universal JavaScript, scalability and messaging patterns to help you build enterprise-grade distributed applications.

Throughout the book, you'll see Node.js in action with the help of several real-life examples leveraging technologies such as LevelDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, and many others. They will be used to demonstrate a pattern or technique, but they will also give you a great introduction to the Node.js ecosystem and its set of solutions.

▶What You Will Learn
-Become comfortable with writing asynchronous code by leveraging callbacks, promises, and the async/await syntax
-Leverage Node.js streams to create data-driven asynchronous processing pipelines
-Implement well-known software design patterns to create production grade applications
-Share code between Node.js and the browser and take advantage of full-stack JavaScript
-Build and scale microservices and distributed systems powered by Node.js
-Use Node.js in conjunction with other powerful technologies such as Redis, RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, and LevelDB

▶Key Features
-Learn how to create solid server-side applications by leveraging the full power of Node.js 14
-Understand how Node.js works and learn how to take full advantage of its core components as well as the solutions offered by its ecosystem
-Avoid common mistakes and use proven patterns to create production grade Node.js applications

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for developers and software architects who have some prior basic knowledge of JavaScript and Node.js and now want to get the most out of these technologies in terms of productivity, design quality, and scalability. Software professionals with intermediate experience in Node.js and JavaScript will also find valuable the more advanced patterns and techniques presented in this book.

This book assumes that you have an intermediate understanding of web application development, databases, and software design principles.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, The Node.js Platform, serves as an introduction to the world of Node.js application design by showing the patterns at the core of the platform itself. It covers the Node.js ecosystem and its philosophy, and provides a quick introduction to the Node.js internals and the reactor pattern.

- Chapter 2, The Module System, dives into the module systems available in Node.js, underlining the differences between CommonJS and the more modern ES modules from the ECMAScript 2015 specification.

- Chapter 3, Callbacks and Events, introduces the first steps towards learning asynchronous coding and its patterns, discussing and comparing callbacks and the event emitter (observer pattern).

- Chapter 4, Asynchronous Control Flow Patterns with Callbacks, introduces a set of patterns and techniques for efficiently handling asynchronous control flow in Node.js using callbacks. This chapter teaches you some traditional ways to mitigate the "callback hell" problem using plain JavaScript.

- Chapter 5, Asynchronous Control Flow Patterns with Promises and Async/Await, progresses with the exploration of more sophisticated and modern asynchronous control flow techniques.

- Chapter 6, Coding with Streams, dives deep into one of the most important tools in Node.js: streams. It shows you how to process data with transform streams and how to combine them into different patterns.

- Chapter 7, Creational Design Patterns, starts to explore the traditional design patterns in Node.js. In this chapter, you will learn about some of the most popular creational design patterns, namely the Factory pattern, the Revealing Constructor pattern, the Builder pattern, and the Singleton pattern.

- Chapter 8, Structural Design Patterns, continues the exploration of traditional design patterns in Node.js, covering structural design patterns such as Proxy, Decorator, and Adapter.

- Chapter 9, Behavioral Design Patterns, concludes the conversation around traditional design patterns in Node.js by introducing behavioral design patterns like Strategy, State, Template, Middleware, Command, and Iterator.

- Chapter 10, Universal JavaScript for Web Applications, explores one of the most interesting capabilities of modern JavaScript web applications: being able to share code between the frontend and the backend. Throughout this chapter, you will learn the basic principles of Universal JavaScript by building a simple web application using modern tools and libraries.

- Chapter 11, Advanced Recipes, takes a problem-solution approach to show you how some common coding and design intricacies can be approached with ready-to-use solutions.

- Chapter 12, Scalability and Architectural Patterns, teaches you the basic techniques and patterns for scaling a Node.js application.

- Chapter 13, Messaging and Integration Patterns, presents the most important messaging patterns, teaching you how to build and integrate complex distributed systems using Node.js and its ecosystem.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
Node.js is considered by many a game-changer—possibly the biggest innovation of the decade in web development. It is loved not just for its technical capabilities, but also for the paradigm shift that it introduced in web development and, in general, in the software development ecosystem.

First, Node.js applications are written in JavaScript, the most adopted language on the web and the only programming language supported natively by every web browser. This aspect enables scenarios such as single-language application stacks and the sharing of code between the server and the client. A single language also helps to reduce the gap between frontend and backend engineers, making backend programming extremely approachable and intuitive for frontend developers. Once you are acquainted with Node.js and JavaScript, you can easily build software for a wide variety of platforms and contexts.

Node.js itself is contributing to the rise and evolution of the JavaScript language. People realize that using JavaScript on the server brings a lot of value, and they are loving it for its pragmatism, for its flexibility, its event-driven approach, and for its hybrid nature, halfway between object-oriented and functional programming.

The second revolutionizing factor is Node.js' single-threaded programming model and its asynchronous architecture. Besides obvious advantages from a performance and scalability point of view, this characteristic changed the way developers approach concurrency and parallelism. Mutexes are replaced by queues, threads by callbacks, and synchronization by causality. These abstractions are generally simpler to adopt than their traditional counterparts, but they are still extremely powerful, allowing developers to be very productive while solving day-to-day challenges.

The last and most important aspect of Node.js lies in its ecosystem: the npm package manager, its constantly growing database of modules, its enthusiastic and helpful community, and most importantly, its very own culture based on simplicity, pragmatism, and extreme modularity.

However, because of these peculiarities, Node.js development gives you a very different feel compared to other server-side platforms, and any developer new to this paradigm will often feel unsure about how to tackle even the most common design and coding problems effectively. Common questions include: How do I organize my code? What's the best way to design this? How can I make my application more modular? How do I handle a set of asynchronous calls effectively? How can I make sure that my application will not collapse while it grows? Or more simply, what's the right way to implement this? Fortunately, Node.js has become a mature enough platform and most of these questions can now be easily answered with a design pattern, a proven coding technique, or a recommended practice. The aim of this book is to guide you through this emerging world of patterns, techniques, and practices, showing you what the proven solutions to the most common problems are and teaching you how to use them as the starting point to building the solution to your particular problem.

By reading this book, you will learn the following:

-The "Node way":
How to use the right point of view when approaching Node.js development. You will learn, for example, how different traditional design patterns look in Node.js, or how to design modules that do only one thing.

-A set of patterns to solve common Node.js design and coding problems:
You will be presented with a "Swiss Army knife" of patterns, ready to use in order to efficiently solve your everyday development and design problems.

-How to write scalable and efficient Node.js applications:
You will gain an understanding of the basic building blocks and principles of writing large and well-organized Node.js applications that can scale. You will be able to apply these principles to novel problems that don't fall within the scope of existing patterns.

-Code in "modern JavaScript":
JavaScript has been around since 1995, but a lot has changed since its first inception, especially in these last few years. This book will take advantage of the most modern JavaScript features, like the class syntax, promises, generator functions, and async/await, giving you a properly up-to-date experience.

Throughout the book, you will be presented with real-life libraries and technologies, such as LevelDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, Express, and many others. They will be used to demonstrate a pattern or technique, and besides making the example more useful, these will also give you great exposure to the Node.js ecosystem and its set of solutions.

Whether you use or plan to use Node.js for your work, your side project, or for an open source project, recognizing and using well-known patterns and techniques will allow you to use a common language when sharing your code and design, and on top of that, it will help you get a better understanding of the future of Node.js and how to make your own contributions a part of it.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- Mario Casciaro
Mario Casciaro is a software engineer and entrepreneur. Mario worked at IBM for a number of years, first in Rome, then in Dublin Software Lab. He currently splits his time between Var7 Technologies—his own software company—and his role as lead engineer at D4H Technologies where he creates software for emergency response teams.

- Luciano Mammino
Luciano Mammino wrote his first line of code at the age of 12 on his father's old i386. Since then he has never stopped coding. He is currently working at FabFitFun as principal software engineer where he builds microservices to serve millions of users every day. Luciano also runs bespoke training courses to foster serverless adoption and Fullstack Bulletin, a free weekly newsletter for full-stack developers.


- Chapter 1: The Node.js Platform
- Chapter 2: The Module System
- Chapter 3: Callbacks and Events
- Chapter 4: Asynchronous Control Flow Patterns with Callbacks
- Chapter 5: Asynchronous Control Flow Patterns with Promises and Async/Await
- Chapter 6: Coding with Streams
- Chapter 7: Creational Design Patterns
- Chapter 8: Structural Design Patterns
- Chapter 9: Behavioral Design Patterns
- Chapter 10: Universal JavaScript for Web Applications
- Chapter 11: Advanced Recipes
- Chapter 12: Scalability and Architectural Patterns
- Chapter 13: Messaging and Integration Patterns


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