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Learn Robotics Programming Second Edition 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Learn Robotics Programming Second Edition

Build and control AI-enabled autonomous robots using the Raspberry Pi and Python
소장전자책 정가23,000
Learn Robotics Programming Second Edition 표지 이미지

Learn Robotics Programming Second Edition작품 소개

<Learn Robotics Programming Second Edition> Develop an extendable smart robot capable of performing a complex series of actions with Python and Raspberry Pi

▶Book Description
We live in an age where the most complex or repetitive tasks are automated. Smart robots have the potential to revolutionize how we perform all kinds of tasks with high accuracy and efficiency. With this second edition of Learn Robotics Programming, you'll see how a combination of the Raspberry Pi and Python can be a great starting point for robot programming.

The book starts by introducing you to the basic structure of a robot and shows you how to design, build, and program it. As you make your way through the book, you'll add different outputs and sensors, learn robot building skills, and write code to add autonomous behavior using sensors and a camera. You'll also be able to upgrade your robot with Wi-Fi connectivity to control it using a smartphone. Finally, you'll understand how you can apply the skills that you've learned to visualize, lay out, build, and code your future robot building projects.

By the end of this book, you'll have built an interesting robot that can perform basic artificial intelligence operations and be well versed in programming robots and creating complex robotics projects using what you've learned.

▶What You Will Learn
-Leverage the features of the Raspberry Pi OS
-Discover how to configure a Raspberry Pi to build an AI-enabled robot
-Interface motors and sensors with a Raspberry Pi

▶Key Features
-Get up to speed with the fundamentals of robotic programming and build intelligent robots
-Learn how to program a voice agent to control and interact with your robot's behavior
-Enable your robot to see its environment and avoid barriers using sensors

▶Who This Book Is For
This second edition of Learn Robotics Programming is for programmers, developers, and robotics enthusiasts who want to develop a fully functional robot and leverage AI to build interactive robots. Basic knowledge of the Python programming language will help you understand the concepts covered in this robot programming book more effectively.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Introduction to Robotics, introduces what robots are, and finds examples in the home and industry, along with the kinds of robots beginners build.

- Chapter 2, Exploring Robot Building Blocks – Code and Electronics, looks at the components of a robot. We will start making choices about the robot's parts and see block diagrams for both systems and code.

- Chapter 3, Exploring the Raspberry Pi, introduces the Raspberry Pi and its connections and the Raspbian Linux operating system we'll use on it, and also covers the preparation of an SD card for use in a robot.

- Chapter 4, Preparing a Headless Raspberry Pi for a Robot, shows you how to set up an untethered Raspberry Pi and communicate with it wirelessly.

- Chapter 5, Backing Up the Code with Git and SD Card Copies, shows how code can be lost or broken, then ways to protect your work and keep a history of it.

- Chapter 6, Building Robot Basics – Wheels, Power, and Wiring, introduces the trade-offs for buying and test fitting a robot base, then assembling it.

- Chapter 7, Drive and Turn – Moving Motors with Python, shows you how to write code to move a robot, laying down the foundations for the code in subsequent chapters.

- Chapter 8, Programming Distance Sensors with Python, adds sensors and code to make a robot that autonomously avoids walls and obstacles.

- Chapter 9, Programming RGB Strips in Python, adds multicolored lights to your robot. Explore this additional output to use for debugging or fun on the robot.

- Chapter 10, Using Python to Control Servo Motors, shows how to use these motors to position a sensor head, and where they could be used in arms or legs on other robots.

- Chapter 11, Programming Encoders with Python, demonstrates how odometry/tacho wheels can be read in your code, letting your robot drive in a straight line, make an accurate turn, or record how far it's driven. This chapter also introduces the PID controller.

- Chapter 12, IMU Programming with Python, introduces the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), a set of sensors to measure temperature, acceleration, turning speeds, and magnetic fields. This chapter also gives you an introduction to soldering and VPython.

- Chapter 13, Robot Vision – Using a Pi Camera and OpenCV, shows how to get data from a camera and use computer vision to make movements based on what the robot sees. This chapter also streams processed video to a browser.

- Chapter 14, Line-Following with a Camera in Python, demonstrates how to make linefollowing behavior with the Raspberry Pi camera.

- Chapter 15, Voice Communication with a Robot Using Mycroft, builds a voice control agent to link with your robot, letting you talk to control it and receive voice feedback.

- Chapter 16, Diving Deeper with the IMU, takes the sensors we learned about in Chapter 12, IMU Programming with Python, and combines them to provide data about the orientation of the robot, building behavior that responds to the compass direction.

- Chapter 17, Controlling the Robot with a Phone and Python, builds a menu system and a gaming-style control pad for your robot from your smartphone, letting you drive while seeing what the robot sees.

- Chapter 18, Taking Your Robot Programming Skills Further, looks at the wider world of robotics, what communities there are, how to get in touch with other robot builders and makers, potential development areas, and where to compete with a robot.

- Chapter 19, Planning Your Next Robot Project – Putting It All Together, is the final chapter, where we summarize what you have seen in the book, while encouraging you to plan the construction of your next robot.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
Learn Robotics Programming is about building and programming a robot with smart behavior. It covers the skills required to make and build a gadget from parts, including how to choose them. These parts include sensors, motors, cameras, microphones, speakers, lights, and a Raspberry Pi.

This book continues with how to write code to make those parts do something interesting. The book uses Python, together with a little bit of HTML/CSS and JavaScript.

The technology used is intended to include things that are available and affordable and the code is shown to demonstrate concepts, so they can be used and combined to create even more interesting code and robots.

The topics combine aspects of being a programmer with aspects of being a robot maker, with a number of specialist topics such as computer vision and voice assistants thrown in.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- Danny Staple
Danny Staple builds robots and gadgets as a hobbyist, makes videos about his work with robots, and attends community events such as PiWars and Arduino Day. He has been a professional Python programmer, later moving into DevOps, since 2009, and a software engineer since 2000. He has worked with embedded systems, including embedded Linux systems, throughout the majority of his career. He has been a mentor at a local CoderDojo, where he taught how to code with Python. He has run Lego Robotics clubs with Mindstorms. He has also developed Bounce!, a visual programming language targeted at teaching code using the NodeMCU IoT platform. The robots he has built with his children include TankBot, SkittleBot (now the Pi Wars robot), ArmBot, and SpiderBot.


▷Section 1: The Basics – Preparing for Robotics
-Chapter 1: Introduction to Robotics
-Chapter 2: Exploring Robot Building Blocks – Code and Electronics
-Chapter 3: Exploring the Raspberry Pi
-Chapter 4: Preparing a Headless Raspberry Pi for a Robot
-Chapter 5: Backing Up the Code with Git and SD Card Copies

▷Section 2: Building an Autonomous Robot – Connecting Sensors and Motors to a Raspberry Pi
-Chapter 6: Building Robot Basics – Wheels, Power, and Wiring
-Chapter 7: Drive and Turn – Moving Motors with Python
-Chapter 8: Programming Distance Sensors with Python
-Chapter 9: Programming RGB Strips in Python
-Chapter 10: Using Python to Control Servo Motors
-Chapter 11: Programming Encoders with Python
-Chapter 12: IMU Programming with Python

▷Section 3: Hearing and Seeing – Giving a Robot Intelligent Sensors
-Chapter 13: Robot Vision – Using a Pi Camera and OpenCV
-Chapter 14: Line-Following with a Camera in Python
-Chapter 15: Voice Communication with a Robot Using Mycroft
-Chapter 16: Diving Deeper with the IMU
-Chapter 17: Controlling the Robot with a Phone and Python

▷Section 4: Taking Robotics Further
-Chapter 18: Taking Your Robot Programming Skills Further
-Chapter 19: Planning Your Next Robot Project – Putting It All Together


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