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Full-Stack React, TypeScript, and Node 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Full-Stack React, TypeScript, and Node

Build cloud-ready web applications using React 17 with Hooks and GraphQL
소장전자책 정가29,000
Full-Stack React, TypeScript, and Node 표지 이미지

Full-Stack React, TypeScript, and Node작품 소개

<Full-Stack React, TypeScript, and Node> Discover the current landscape of full-stack development and how to leverage modern web technologies for building production-ready React.js applications to deploy on AWS

▶Book Description
React sets the standard for building high-performance client-side web apps. Node.js is a scalable application server that is used in thousands of websites, while GraphQL is becoming the standard way for large websites to provide data and services to their users. Together, these technologies, when reinforced with the capabilities of TypeScript, provide a cutting-edge stack for complete web application development.

This book takes a hands-on approach to implementing modern web technologies and the associated methodologies for building full-stack apps. You'll begin by gaining a strong understanding of TypeScript and how to use it to build high-quality web apps. The chapters that follow delve into client-side development with React using the new Hooks API and Redux. Next, you'll get to grips with server-side development with Express, including authentication with Redis-based sessions and accessing databases with TypeORM. The book will then show you how to use Apollo GraphQL to build web services for your full-stack app. Later, you'll learn how to build GraphQL schemas and integrate them with React using Hooks. Finally, you'll focus on how to deploy your application onto an NGINX server using the AWS cloud.

By the end of this book, you'll be able to build and deploy complete high-performance web applications using React, Node, and GraphQL.

▶What You Will Learn
-Discover TypeScript's most important features and how they can be used to improve code quality and maintainability
-Understand what React Hooks are and how to build React apps using them
-Implement state management for your React app using Redux
-Set up an Express project with TypeScript and GraphQL from scratch
-Build a fully functional online forum app using React and GraphQL
-Add authentication to your web app using Redis
-Save and retrieve data from a Postgres database using TypeORM
-Configure NGINX on the AWS cloud to deploy and serve your apps

▶Key Features
-Understand the architecture of React and single-page applications
-Build a modern Web API for your SPA using Node.js, Express, and GraphQL
-Gain a clear and practical understanding of how to build a complete full-stack application

▶Who This Book Is For
The book is for web developers who want to go beyond front-end web development and enter the world of full-stack web development by learning about modern web technologies and how they come together. A good understanding of JavaScript programming is required before getting started with this web development book.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Understanding TypeScript, explains what TypeScript is and what makes it ideal for use in large application development.

- Chapter 2, Exploring TypeScript, dives deep into TypeScript. We'll explore its features, including static typing, and why these features are an improvement over JavaScript. We'll also look at application design with object-oriented programming and how TypeScript features enable this important programming paradigm.

- Chapter 3, Building Better Apps with ES6+ Features, reviews the important features of JavaScript that every developer needs to know. We'll focus on the latest features added in ES6 and beyond.

- Chapter 4, Learning Single-Page Application Concepts and How React Enables Them, explains how websites are built and focuses on single-page application-style apps. We'll then introduce React and how React is used to create a single-page application.

- Chapter 5, React Development with Hooks, dives deep into React. We'll learn about the limitations of the older class style of writing React applications, as well as learn about Hooks and functional components and how they are an improvement on the older class style.

- Chapter 6, Setting Up Our Project Using create-react-app and Testing with Jest, describes the modern methods used for developing React applications. This includes the standard for creating React projects, create-react-app, and client-side testing with Jest and testing-library.

- Chapter 7, Learning Redux and React Router, covers Redux and React Router to help us build our React application. These two frameworks have been the go-to frameworks for managing state and routing almost since React's inception.

- Chapter 8, Learning Server-Side Development with Node.js and Express, covers Node and Express. Node is the underlying runtime that makes JavaScript server apps possible. Express is the framework around Node that makes it easy to build powerful server-side apps using Node.

- Chapter 9, What is GraphQL?, reviews what GraphQL is and how it uses data schemas to help build a web API.

- Chapter 10, Setting Up an Express Project with TypeScript and GraphQL Dependencies, explains how to create a production quality, server-side project using TypeScript, Express, GraphQL, and Jest for testing.

- Chapter 11, What We Will Learn – Online Forum Application, discusses the application we will be building. We will review its features and how building such an app will help us learn about web development in more detail.

- Chapter 12, Building the React Client for Our Online Forum Application, explains how to start coding the client side of our application with React. We will use functional components, Hooks, and Redux to begin building our screens.

- Chapter 13, Setting Up Session State Using Express and Redis, explores what session state is and how to create a session for our server using Redis, the world's most powerful in-memory datastore. We also begin coding our server using Express.

- Chapter 14, Setting Up Postgres and Repository Layer with TypeORM, explains how to create a database for our application in Postgres and how to access it using a powerful design technique called Repository Layer.

- Chapter 15, Adding a GraphQL Schema – Part I, begins the integration of GraphQL into our application. We will build our schema and add our queries and mutations. We will also begin adding our GraphQL Hooks to our React frontend.

- Chapter 16, Adding a GraphQL Schema – Part II, completes our application by finishing the work of integrating GraphQL into both our client and server.

- Chapter 17, Deploying an Application to AWS, takes our finished application and deploys it to AWS cloud services. We will use Ubuntu Linux and NGINX to host our server and client code.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
According to GitHub, the largest repository for open source software, JavaScript is still the most popular programming language in the world. More projects are written in JavaScript than any other language. Even projects normally not associated with the web, such as machine learning and crypto currencies, often use JavaScript.

The JavaScript programming language is enormously powerful and capable, but in addition to the language, there are frameworks, including React and Node, that add to the language's capabilities, making it even better. On top of this, TypeScript has now become the standard for doing large JavaScript projects. It provides language features that make coding with JavaScript more productive and better suited for large applications.

Modern web development has advanced tremendously over the years. In the past, client code generally meant static HTML and CSS, with perhaps a tiny bit of JavaScript. And the backend was usually written in a completely different language, such as PHP or CGI scripts. However, it is now common to write the entire application, from client to server, using only JavaScript and its related frameworks. This ability to write our applications using only a single language provides enormous benefits during development. Furthermore, the robust and mature frameworks that are available make full stack programming in JavaScript competitive with any other platform.

In this book, we will learn to use the power of JavaScript to build complete full stack web applications. We will augment this power with TypeScript, another powerful top-ten language. Then, using frameworks such as React, Redux, Node, Express, and GraphQL, we will build a realistic, fully functional best-practices web application that will give you all the knowledge you need in order to build modern full stack web applications. And once our application is complete, we'll deploy it to AWS cloud services, the world's most popular and feature-rich cloud services provider.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- David Choi
David Choi is a developer with over 10 years' experience in building enterprise-class applications using a variety of frameworks and languages. Most of his professional development experience has involved working in finance for companies such as JPMorgan, CSFB, and Franklin Templeton. He currently works at his own start-up, DzHaven, building an application to help devs help other devs.
You can find David on YouTube at the David Choi channel, or on Twitter at jsoneaday.


▷Section 1:Understanding TypeScript and How It Can Improve Your JavaScript
-Chapter 1: Understanding TypeScript
-Chapter 2: Exploring TypeScript
-Chapter 3: Building Better Apps with ES6+ Features

▷Section 2: Learning Single-Page Application Development Using React
-Chapter 4: Learning Single-Page Application Concepts and How React Enables Them
-Chapter 5: React Development with Hooks
-Chapter 6: Setting Up Our Project Using create-react-app and Testing with Jest
-Chapter 7: Learning Redux and React Router

▷Section 3: Understanding Web Service Development Using Express and GraphQL
-Chapter 8: Learning Server-Side Development with Node.js and Express
-Chapter 9: What is GraphQL?
-Chapter 10: Setting Up an Express Project with TypeScript and GraphQL Dependencies
-Chapter 11: What We Will Learn – Online Forum Application
-Chapter 12: Building the React Client for Our Online Forum Application
-Chapter 13: Set Up a Session State Using Express and Redis
-Chapter 14: Setting Up Postgres and a Repository Layer with TypeORM
-Chapter 15: Adding GraphQL Schema Part I
-Chapter 16: Adding a GraphQL Schema – Part II
-Chapter 17: Deploying an Application to AWS


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