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Kubernetes in Production Best Practices 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Kubernetes in Production Best Practices

Build and manage highly available production-ready Kubernetes clusters
소장전자책 정가19,000
Kubernetes in Production Best Practices 표지 이미지

Kubernetes in Production Best Practices작품 소개

<Kubernetes in Production Best Practices> Design, build, and operate scalable and reliable Kubernetes infrastructure for production

▶Book Description
Although out-of-the-box solutions can help you to get a cluster up and running quickly, running a Kubernetes cluster that is optimized for production workloads is a challenge, especially for users with basic or intermediate knowledge. With detailed coverage of cloud industry standards and best practices for achieving scalability, availability, operational excellence, and cost optimization, this Kubernetes book is a blueprint for managing applications and services in production.

You'll discover the most common way to deploy and operate Kubernetes clusters, which is to use a public cloud-managed service from AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This book explores Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), the AWS-managed version of Kubernetes, for working through practical exercises. As you get to grips with implementation details specific to AWS and EKS, you'll understand the design concepts, implementation best practices, and configuration applicable to other cloud-managed services. Throughout the book, you'll also discover standard and cloud-agnostic tools, such as Terraform and Ansible, for provisioning and configuring infrastructure.

By the end of this book, you'll be able to leverage Kubernetes to operate and manage your production environments confidently.

▶What You Will Learn
-Explore different infrastructure architectures for Kubernetes deployment
-Implement optimal open source and commercial storage management solutions
-Apply best practices for provisioning and configuring Kubernetes clusters, including infrastructure as code (IaC) and configuration as code (CAC)
-Configure the cluster networking plugin and core networking components to get the best out of them
-Secure your Kubernetes environment using the latest tools and best practices
-Deploy core observability stacks, such as monitoring and logging, to fine-tune your infrastructure

▶Key Features
-Implement industry best practices to build and manage production-grade Kubernetes infrastructure
-Learn how to architect scalable Kubernetes clusters, harden container security, and fine-tune resource management
-Understand, manage, and operate complex business workloads confidently

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for cloud infrastructure experts, DevOps engineers, site reliability engineers, and engineering managers looking to design and operate Kubernetes infrastructure for production. Basic knowledge of Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, Linux, and AWS is needed to get the most out of this book.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Introduction to Kubernetes Infrastructure and Production-Readiness, teaches you about the basics of Kubernetes infrastructure, then explains the principles of infrastructure designing, and finally the characteristics of production-ready clusters.

- Chapter 2, Architecting Production-Grade Kubernetes Infrastructure, teaches you about the various aspects, trade-offs, and best practices that you need to consider while designing Kubernetes infrastructure.

- Chapter 3, Provisioning Kubernetes Clusters Using AWS and Terraform, teaches you how to use AWS, Terraform, and infrastructure as code techniques to provision Kubernetes infrastructure.

- Chapter 4, Managing Cluster Configurations with Ansible, teaches you how to use Ansible to build a flexible and scalable configuration management solution for Kubernetes clusters.

- Chapter 5, Configuring and Enhancing Kubernetes Networking Services, teaches you how to configure and improve Kubernetes cluster networking, and the essential Kubernetes networking add-ons to use.

- Chapter 6, Securing Kubernetes Effectively, teaches you about Kubernetes security best practices, and how to validate and ensure the security of clusters.

- Chapter 7, Managing Storage and Stateful Applications, teaches you how to overcome storage challenges in Kubernetes using the best storage management solution in the ecosystem.

- Chapter 8, Deploying Seamless and Reliable Applications, teaches you container and image best practices, as well as application deployment strategies to achieve scalable service in production.

- Chapter 9, Monitoring, Logging, and Observability, teaches you Kubernetes observability best practices, important metrics to watch for, as well as the monitoring and logging stacks available in the market, and when to use each of them.

- Chapter 10, Operating and Maintaining Efficient Kubernetes Clusters, teaches you Kubernetes operation best practices, as well as cluster maintenance tasks such as upgrades and rotation, backups, and disaster recovery, and the solutions available to improve the quality of clusters.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration platform originally developed by Google and made available to the public in 2014. The popularity of Kubernetes helped to make the deployment of container-based, complex, distributed systems simpler to manage for developers. Since its inception, the community has built a large ecosystem around Kubernetes, with many open source projects that have made the automation of management functions possible.

This book is specifically designed to quickly help Kubernetes administrators and site reliability engineers (SREs) to build and manage production-grade Kubernetes infrastructure following industry best practices and well-proven techniques learned from early technology adopters of large-scale Kubernetes deployments.

While we use Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) to deliver the practical exercises in this book, we believe that the explained Kubernetes design, provisioning, and configuration concepts and techniques remain valid for other cloud providers. Regarding the selection of provisioning and configuration tools, we decided to use cloud-agnostic tools such as Terraform and Ansible to ensure portability across cloud providers.

Kubernetes in Production Best Practices gives you the confidence to use Kubernetes to host your production workloads, having the comprehensive infrastructure design knowledge to build your clusters and a clear understanding of managing and operating them efficiently.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- Aly Saleh
Aly Saleh is a technology entrepreneur, cloud transformation leader, and architect. He has worked for the past 2 decades on building large-scale software solutions and cloud-based platforms and services that are used by millions of users. He is a co-founder of MAVS Cloud, a start-up that empowers organizations to leverage the power of the cloud. He also played various technical roles at Oracle, Vodafone, FreshBooks, Aurea Software, and Ceros.

Aly holds degrees in computer science, and he has gained multiple credentials in AWS, GCP, and Kubernetes, with a focus on building cloud platforms, app modernization, containerization, and architecting distributed systems. He is an advocate for cloud best practices, remote work, and globally distributed teams.

- Murat Karslioglu
Murat Karslioglu is a distinguished technologist with years of experience using infrastructure tools and technologies. Murat is currently the VP of products at MayaData, a start-up that builds data agility platform for stateful applications, and a maintainer of open source projects, namely OpenEBS and Litmus. In his free time, Murat is busy writing practical articles about DevOps best practices, CI/CD, Kubernetes, and running stateful applications on popular Kubernetes platforms on his blog, Containerized Me. Murat also runs a cloud-native news curator site, The Containerized Today, where he regularly publishes updates on the Kubernetes ecosystem.


-Chapter 1: Introduction to Kubernetes Infrastructure and Production-Readiness
-Chapter 2: Architecting Production-Grade Kubernetes Infrastructure
-Chapter 3: Provisioning Kubernetes Clusters Using AWS and Terraform
-Chapter 4: Managing Cluster Configuration with Ansible
-Chapter 5: Configuring and Enhancing Kubernetes Networking Services
-Chapter 6: Securing Kubernetes Effectively
-Chapter 7: Managing Storage and Stateful Applications
-Chapter 8: Deploying Seamless and Reliable Applications
-Chapter 9: Monitoring, Logging, and Observability
-Chapter 10: Operating and Maintaining Efficient Kubernetes Clusters


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