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Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate 200-201 Certification Guide 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate 200-201 Certification Guide

Learn blue teaming strategies and incident response techniques to mitigate cybersecurity incidents
소장전자책 정가27,000
Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate 200-201 Certification Guide 표지 이미지

Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate 200-201 Certification Guide작품 소개

<Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate 200-201 Certification Guide> Begin a successful career in cybersecurity operations by achieving Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate 200-201 certification

▶Book Description
Achieving the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate 200-201 certification helps you to kickstart your career in cybersecurity operations. This book offers up-to-date coverage of 200-201 exam resources to fully equip you to pass on your first attempt.

The book covers the essentials of network security concepts and shows you how to perform security threat monitoring. You'll begin by gaining an in-depth understanding of cryptography and exploring the methodology for performing both host and network-based intrusion analysis. Next, you'll learn about the importance of implementing security management and incident response strategies in an enterprise organization. As you advance, you'll see why implementing defenses is necessary by taking an in-depth approach, and then perform security monitoring and packet analysis on a network. You'll also discover the need for computer forensics and get to grips with the components used to identify network intrusions. Finally, the book will not only help you to learn the theory but also enable you to gain much-needed practical experience for the cybersecurity industry.

By the end of this Cisco cybersecurity book, you'll have covered everything you need to pass the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate 200-201 certification exam, and have a handy, on-the-job desktop reference guide.

▶What You Will Learn
-Incorporate security into your architecture to prevent attacks
-Discover how to implement and prepare secure designs
-Identify access control models for digital assets
-Identify point of entry, determine scope, contain threats, and remediate
-Find out how to perform malware analysis and interpretation
-Implement security technologies to detect and analyze threats

▶Key Features
-Receive expert guidance on how to kickstart your career in the cybersecurity industry
-Gain hands-on experience while studying for the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate certification exam
-Work through practical labs and exercises mapped directly to the exam objectiv

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for students who want to pursue a career in cybersecurity operations, threat detection and analysis, and incident response. IT professionals, network security engineers, security operations center (SOC) engineers, and cybersecurity analysts looking for a career boost and those looking to get certified in Cisco cybersecurity technologies and break into the cybersecurity industry will also benefit from this book. No prior knowledge of IT networking and cybersecurity industries is needed.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Exploring Networking Concepts, covers the fundamentals of network protocol suites, and the characteristics and functionality of each layer of TCP/IP.

- Chapter 2, Exploring Network Components and Security Systems, covers the function of various networking protocols, and the role and functions of networking and security devices.

- Chapter 3, Discovering Security Concepts, covers the importance of implementing a Defense in Depth approach, explaining key security terminology and access control models.

- Chapter 4, Understanding Security Principles, covers the functionality of a security operations center (SOC), how data visibility is affected by network technologies, and how threat actors are able to exfiltrate data using common network protocols.

- Chapter 5, Identifying Attack Methods, covers the characteristics of common network-based attacks, web application attacks, social engineering attacks, and endpoint-based attacks, and explains how threat actors evade threat detection systems.

- Chapter 6, Working with Cryptography and PKI, covers the importance of cryptography and the characteristics of confidentiality, interiority, origin authentication, non-repudiation, and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

- Chapter 7, Delving into Endpoint Threat Analysis, covers the fundamentals of endpoint security and how it protects a system of various security threats, and also covers key components of both Windows and Linux operating systems that can help identify endpoint-based threats.

- Chapter 8, Interpreting Endpoint Security, covers the filesystem for Windows and Linux operating systems, how security professionals are able to determine the vulnerability score of a security weakness, and malware analysis.

- Chapter 9, Exploring Computer Forensics, covers the fundamentals of computer forensics, types of evidence collected during an investigation, and how to compare disk images.

- Chapter 10, Performing Intrusion Analysis, covers the operations of various firewall technologies. It compares inline traffic interrogation techniques and explains the elements of various protocol headers as they relate to an intrusion.

- Chapter 11, Security Management Techniques, covers the fundamentals of identifying artifact elements and explains the need for various security management techniques and practices within an enterprise organization.

- Chapter 12, Dealing with Incident Response, covers the importance of incident response and handling processes, the characteristics of various security teams, and security compliance.

- Chapter 13, Implementing Incident Handling, covers the fundamentals of implementing forensics techniques into IR, explains how the Cyber Kill Chain can be used to stop a cyber-attack, and explains how the Diamond Model of Intrusion is used to better understand how an intrusion occurs.

- Chapter 14, Implementing Cisco Security Solutions, covers the fundamentals of implementing security solutions such as AAA, zone-based firewall, and an intrusion prevention system using Cisco solutions on a network.

- Chapter 15, Working with Cisco Security Solutions, covers the fundamentals of implementing additional security solutions such as Layer 2 security controls, securing networking devices, and configuring a Cisco ASA firewall appliance.

- Chapter 16, Real-World Implementation and Best Practices, covers advanced topics on implementing various real-world security solutions, such as an open source SIEM, performing active scanning of assets, performing breach and attack simulations, and deploying a honeypot.

- Chapter 17, Mock Exam 1, includes a simple mock test containing questions that will help you to prepare for the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate examination and will help you identify any topics you need to spend additional time learning about and practicing.

- Chapter 18, Mock Exam 2, includes another mock test containing questions that will help you to prepare for the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate examination.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
As a cybersecurity trainer, I've realized it's rare to find books that focus on cybersecurity operations for students and IT professionals who want to pursue a career in cybersecurity operations, incident response, and Blue Teaming strategies. Having the opportunity to write this book allowed me to share my knowledge, insights, and wisdom with others while helping to fill the gap between the offensive and defensive sides of cybersecurity.

When I gained my Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate certification, I fully understood the need and importance of such skills and knowledge for any professional within the cybersecurity industry. Therefore, I was inspired to give back to the community to help others learn and become better within their profession while improving their skills.

Using experience, research, and discussions with like-minded professionals within the industry, I was able to not only create the core content for the certification curriculum but also provided a beyond-certification approach through various chapters. This will allow you to obtain more in-depth information and strategies on key topics with hands-on labs to become an awesome cybersecurity professional.

As you embark on this new journey in the field of cybersecurity, I can definitely say it is going to be very exciting and thrilling as you will learn about the core operations of a cybersecurity professional.

The Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate certification is designed to provide you with all the essential skills and knowledge for the cybersecurity landscape of the world tomorrow. The certification is focused on ensuring the learner is well equipped to start a career in cybersecurity operations.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- Glen D. Singh
Glen D. Singh is a cybersecurity instructor and an InfoSec author. His areas of expertise are cybersecurity operations, offensive security tactics, and enterprise networking. He is a holder of many certifications, including CEH, CHFI, PAWSP, and 3xCCNA (in CyberOps, Security, and Routing and Switching).

Glen loves teaching and mentoring others, and sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience as an author. He has written many books that focus on vulnerability discovery and exploitation, threat detection, intrusion analysis, incident response (IR), implementing security solutions, and enterprise networking. As an aspiring game changer, Glen is passionate about increasing cybersecurity awareness in his homeland, Trinidad and Tobago.


▷Section 1: Network and Security Concepts
-Chapter 1: Exploring Networking Concepts
-Chapter 2: Exploring Network Components and Security Systems
-Chapter 3: Discovering Security Concepts

▷Section 2: Principles of Security Monitoring
-Chapter 4: Understanding Security Principles
-Chapter 5: Identifying Attack Methods
-Chapter 6: Working with Cryptography and PKI

▷Section 3: Host and Network-Based Analysis
-Chapter 7: Delving into Endpoint Threat Analysis
-Chapter 8: Interpreting Endpoint Security
-Chapter 9: Exploring Computer Forensics
-Chapter 10: Performing Intrusion Analysis

▷Section 4: Security Policies and Procedures
-Chapter 11: Security Management Techniques
-Chapter 12: Dealing with Incident Response
-Chapter 13: Implementing Incident Handling
-Chapter 14: Implementing Cisco Security Solutions
-Chapter 15: Working with Cisco Security Solutions
-Chapter 16: Real-World Implementation and Best Practices
-Chapter 17: Mock Exam 1
-Chapter 18: Mock Exam 2



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