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Taekwondo Poomsae (Taegeuk)(태권도 공인품새 해설 (태극1~8장)) 상세페이지

건강/다이어트 다이어트/운동/스포츠

Taekwondo Poomsae (Taegeuk)(태권도 공인품새 해설 (태극1~8장))

소장전자책 정가4,000

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* 본 도서는 본문이 일부 외국어(영어)로 구성되어 있습니다. 도서 이용에 참고 부탁드립니다.

Taekwondo Poomsae (Taegeuk)(태권도 공인품새 해설 (태극1~8장))작품 소개

<Taekwondo Poomsae (Taegeuk)(태권도 공인품새 해설 (태극1~8장))> Taekwondo, a Korean traditional martial art, is being practiced in more than 185 countries now, the year of 2007, which has been realized through the efforts of all taekwondoists.
The system of taekwondo techniques is comprised of basic movements, poomsae, fighting skills, breaking skills, and self-defense skills. No matter how strongly we emphasize the importance of pattern practice, it is not too much, as it is an essential part in learning taekwondo techniques, along with basic forms.
In 1968, Korea taekwondo Association had designated Palgae poomsae as well as other nine kinds of poomsae as official ones and began to disseminate them, followed by additional designation of other eight poomsae for non-black belt holders in 1972 as official ones.
The current official poomsae are those from Taegeuk 1 to Taegeuk 8 for non-black belt holders and other ones for black belt holders, such as Koryo, Keumgang, Taebaek, Pyongwon, Sipjin, Jitae, Chonkwon, Hansu, and Ilyeo.
As taekwondoists have practiced poomsae for more than 40 years, many pattern competitions have been held in regional scales, nation-wide scales, and continental scales across the world.
In 2006, the First World poomsae Championship was held in Seoul, which stirred a taekwondo poomsae frenzy among taekwondoists in the world.
At this juncture, a book that explains poomsae in detail like this has been published, which is real good news.
I believe this book will contribute a lot to making the learning process of poomsae and their spirits easier as it is bilingual(Korean and English) and illustrated.
I appreciate the efforts of those who had made this book and hope taekwondoists will try to develop techniques by studying poomsae using materials like this one.
Thank you.

President of Kukkiwon,
Um Un-kyu

저자 프로필


  • 국적 대한민국
  • 경력 국기원 연수원 강사
    세계태권도품새선수권대회 금메달리스트
    청룡태권도장 관장
    대한태권도협회 강사 겸 자문위원

2015.01.12. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청


태극1장(건) Taegeuk 1 jang(Keon)
태극2장(태) Taegeuk 2 jang(Tae)
태극3장(이) Taegeuk 3 jang(Yi)
태극4장(진) Taegeuk 4 jang(Jin)
태극5장(손) Taegeuk 5 jang(Son)
태극6장(감) Taegeuk 6 jang(Kam)
태극7장(간) Taegeuk 7 jang(Kan)
태극8장(곤) Taegeuk 8 jang(Kon)


구매자 별점


  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

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