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Seasonal Customs of Korea (한국의 세시풍속) 상세페이지

인문/사회/역사 예술/문화

Seasonal Customs of Korea (한국의 세시풍속)

Korean Culture Series 한국문화소개시리즈
소장종이책 정가19,800
전자책 정가75%5,000

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* 본 도서는 본문이 모두 외국어(영어)로 구성되어 있습니다. 도서 이용에 참고 부탁드립니다.

Seasonal Customs of Korea (한국의 세시풍속)작품 소개

<Seasonal Customs of Korea (한국의 세시풍속)> The seasonal customs of Korea are the folk traditions of everyday life that have been repeated annually throughout the ages. As such, the residents of a particular community came to share a uniformity of everyday customs by living within the same natural environment and cultural setting. In this regard, seasonal customs are closely related to the rhythms of everyday life, and as the same customs are repeated at the same time every year, they accumulate and shape the common patterns in the people’s daily lives.

David Shaffer (한국명: 신동일) 교수는 한국에서 30여 년 동안 살아오면서 보고 듣고 느낀 한국의 세시풍속과 한국에서의 생활 등을 바탕으로 한국의 ‘풍속’을 영문으로 집필했다. 본인이 경험했던 쥐불놀이와 대보름 강강수월래, 입춘에는 길조의 문구를 적고, 김치를 담그고, 복날에 삼계탕을 먹는 풍습 등 우리에게는 일상적이지만, 외국인들의 눈에는 낯선 모습들을 가감 없이 그려내고 있다.

이 책의 시리즈

저자 소개

David E. Shaffer 신동욱

David E. Shaffer has lived and worked in Korea for many years. He is a professor of the English Language Department at Chosun University in Gwangju, South Korea, where he has taught since 1976.
Before relocating to Korea in the early 1970s, Dr. Shaffer lived in Pennsylvania, in the northeastern United States. He graduated from Pennsylvania State University and completed his graduate studies in English linguistics at Chosun University. In addition to teaching graduate and undergraduate courses, he has been active in English-teacher training and has authored several English-language instruction books, in addition to The Heavens, the Wind, the Stars and Poetry, a translation of the complete works of the poet Yun Dong-ju.
In the 1990s, Dr. Shaffer was especially active as a columnist for a number of Korean periodicals with nationwide readership. He has written on the English and Korean languages, as well as traditional and modern Korean culture. In 1993, he was the recipient of the Modern Korean Literature Translation award in poetry. Dr. Shaffer has also authored more than a dozen essays on Korea, including 『Sesi Customs』, which appears in the Encyclopedia of Modern Asia (2002), and a guide to learning Korean, Crackin’ the Corean Code (2005).
Dr. Shaffer is an active member of numerous academic associations in Korea, currently sitting on the executive boards of Asia TEFL and Korea TESOL (Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages).




I. Introduction

1. The Significance of Seasonal Customs

2. The Origins of Seasonal Customs

3. The Characteristics of Seasonal Customs

II. Customs of the Twenty-Four Seasonal Periods

III. The Lunar Calendar and Customs of the Twelve Months

1. The Lunar Calendar

2. The First Month: New Year’s Celebrations

3. The Second Month: Post-New Year’s Activities

4. The Third Month: Spring Flowers and Samjit-nal

5. The Fourth Month: Buddhist Celebrations

6. The Fifth Month: Dano

7. The Sixth Month: Yudu and Dog Days

8. The Seventh Month: Chilseok and Baekjung

9. The Eighth Month: Harvest Moon Festival

10. The Ninth Month: Negative Influences

11. The Tenth Month: National Foundation, Horses, and Sondol

12. The Eleventh Month: Dongjit-dal

13. The Twelfth Month: Seot-dal Rounds Out the Year

IV. Extra Special Days and Months

1. The Twelve Zodiac Days and Related Customs

2. The Intercalary Month



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