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[체험판] Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2E 상세페이지

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[체험판] Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2E작품 소개

<[체험판] Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2E> ▶Book Description
Deep learning is the step that comes after machine learning, and has more advanced implementations. Machine learning is not just for academics anymore, but is becoming a mainstream practice through wide adoption, and deep learning has taken the front seat. As a data scientist, if you want to explore data abstraction layers, this book will be your guide. This book shows how this can be exploited in the real world with complex raw data and has been fully updated to the latest version of TensorFlow 1.x.

Throughout the book, you'll learn how to implement deep learning algorithms for machine learning systems and integrate them into your product offerings, including search, image recognition, and language processing. Additionally, you'll learn how to analyze and improve the performance of deep learning models. This can be done by comparing algorithms against benchmarks, along with machine intelligence, to learn from the information and determine ideal behaviors within a specific context.

After finishing the book, you will be familiar with machine learning techniques, in particular the use of TensorFlow for deep learning, and will be ready to apply your knowledge to research or commercial projects.

▶What You Will Learn
- Learn about machine learning landscapes along with the historical development and progress of deep learning
- Learn about deep machine intelligence and GPU computing with the latest TensorFlow 1.x
- Access public datasets and utilize them using TensorFlow to load, process, and transform data
- Use TensorFlow on real-world datasets, including images, text, and more
- Learn how to evaluate the performance of your deep learning models
- Using deep learning for scalable object detection and mobile computing
- Train machines quickly to learn from data by exploring reinforcement learning techniques
- Explore active areas of deep learning research and applications

▶Key Features
- Learn how to implement advanced techniques in deep learning with Google's brainchild, TensorFlow
- Explore deep neural networks and layers of data abstraction with the help of this comprehensive guide
- Real-world contextualization through some deep learning problems concerning research and application

▶Who This Book Is For
The book is intended for a general audience of people interested in machine learning and machine intelligence. A rudimentary level of programming in one language is assumed, as is a basic familiarity with computer science techniques and technologies, including a basic awareness of computer hardware and algorithms. Some competence in mathematics is needed to the level of elementary linear algebra and calculus.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Getting Started with Deep Learning, covers the concepts that will be found in all the subsequent chapters. The basics of machine learning and deep learning are also discussed. We will also look at Deep learning architectures that are distinguished from the more commonplace single-hidden-layer neural networks by their depth, that is, the number of node layers through which data passes in a multistep process of pattern recognition. We will also analyze these architectures with a chart summarizing all the neural networks from where most of the deep
learning algorithm evolved. The chapter ends with an analysis of the major deep learning frameworks.
- Chapter 2, A First Look at TensorFlow, gives a detailed description of the main TensorFlow features based on a real-life problem, followed by a detailed discussion on TensorFlow installation and configurations. We then look at a computation graph, data, and programming model before getting started with TensorFlow. Toward the end of the chapter, we will look at an example of implementing the linear regression model for predictive analytics.
- Chapter 3, Feed-Forward Neural Networks with TensorFlow, demonstrates the theoretical background of different Feed-Forward Neural Networks' (FFNNs) architectures such as Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). We will then see how to train and analyze the performance metrics that are needed to evaluate the models; also, how to tune the hyperparameters for FFNNs for better and optimized performance. We will also look at two examples using MLP and DBN on how to build very robust and accurate predictive models for predictive analytics on a bank marketing dataset.
- Chapter 4, Convolutional Neural Networks, introduces the networks of CNNs that are the basic blocks of a Deep Learning-based image classifier. We will consider the most important CNN architectures, such as Lenet, AlexNet, Vgg, and Inception with hands-on examples, specifically for AlexNet and Vgg. We will then examine the transfer learning and style learning techniques. We will end the chapter by developing a CNN to train a network on a series of facial images to classify their emotional stretch.
- Chapter 5, Optimizing TensorFlow Autoencoders, provides sound theoretical background on optimizing autoencoders for data denoising and dimensionality reduction. We will then look at how to implement an autoencoder, gradually moving over to more robust autoencoder implementation, such as denoising autoencoders and convolutional autoencoders. Finally, we will look at a real-life example of fraud
analytics using an autoencoder.
- Chapter 6, Recurrent Neural Networks, provides some theoretical background of RNNs. We will also look at a few examples for implementing predictive models for classification of images, sentiment analysis of movies, and products spam prediction for NLP. Finally, we'll see how to develop predictive models for time series data.
- Chapter 7, Heterogeneous and Distributed Computing, shows the fundamental topic to execute TensorFlow models on GPU cards and distributed systems. We will also look at basic concepts with application examples.
- Chapter 8, Advanced TensorFlow Programming, gives an overview of the following TensorFlow-based libraries: tf.contrib.learn, Pretty Tensor, TFLearn, and Keras. For each library, we will describe the main features with applications.
- Chapter 9, Recommendation Systems using Factorization Machines, provides several examples on how to develop recommendation system for predictive analytics followed by some theoretical background of recommendation systems. We will then look at an example of developing a movie recommendation engine using collaborative filtering and K-means. Considering the limitations of classical approaches, we'll see how to use Neural Factorization Machines for developing more accurate and robust recommendation systems.
- Chapter 10, Reinforcement Learning, covers the basic concepts of RL. We will experience the Q-learning algorithm, which is one of the most popular reinforcement learning algorithms. Furthermore, we'll introduce the OpenAI gym framework that is a TensorFlow compatible toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. We end the chapter with the implementation of a Deep Q-Learning algorithm to resolve the cart-pole problem.

출판사 서평

▶Editorial Review
Every week, we follow news of applications and the shocking results obtained from them, thanks to the artificial intelligence algorithms applied in different fields. What we are witnessing is one of the biggest accelerations in the entire history of this sector, and the main suspect behind these important developments is called deep learning.

Deep learning comprises a vast set of algorithms that are based on the concept of neural networks and expand to contain a huge number of nodes that are disseminated at several levels of depth.

Though the concept of neural networks, the so-called Artificial Neural Network (ANN), dates back to the late 1940s, initially, they were difficult to be used because of the need for huge computational power resources and the lack of data required to train the algorithms. Presently, the ability to use graphics processors (GPUs) in parallel to perform intensive calculation operations has completely opened the way to the use of deep learning.

In this context, we propose the second edition of this book, with expanded and revised contents that introduce the core concepts of deep learning, using the last version of TensorFlow.

TensorFlow is Google's open-source framework for the mathematical, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning capabilities, released in 2011. Subsequently, TensorFlow has been widely adopted in academia, research, and industry. The most stable version of TensorFlow at the time of writing was version 1.6, which was released with a unified API and is thus a significant and stable version in the TensorFlow roadmap. This book also discusses and is compliant with the pre-release version, 1.7, which was available during the production stages of this book.

TensorFlow provides the flexibility needed to implement and research cuttingedge architectures, while allowing users to focus on the structure of their models as opposed to mathematical details.

You will learn deep learning programming techniques with hands-on model building, data collection, transformation, and much more!
Enjoy reading!

저자 소개

- Giancarlo Zaccone
Giancarlo Zaccone has over ten years of experience in managing research projects in scientific and industrial areas.

Giancarlo worked as a researcher at the CNR, the National Research Council of Italy. As part of his data science and software engineering projects, he gained experience in numerical computing, parallel computing, and scientific visualization. Currently, Giancarlo is a senior software and system engineer, based in the Netherlands. Here he tests and develops software systems for space and defense applications. Giancarlo holds a master's degree in Physics from the Federico II of Naples and a 2nd level postgraduate master course in Scienti fi c Computing from La Sapienza of Rome.

Giancarlo is the author of the following books: Python Parallel Programminng Cookbook, Getting Started with TensorFlow, Deep Learning with TensorFlow, all by Packt Publishing.

- Md. Rezaul Karim
Md. Rezaul Karim is a research scientist at Fraunhofer FIT, Germany. He is also pursuing his PhD at the RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany. He holds BSc and MSc degrees in Computer Science. Before joining Fraunhofer FIT, Rezaul had been working as a researcher at Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Ireland. Previously, he worked as a Lead Engineer at Samsung Electronics. He also worked as a research assistant at Database Lab, Kyung Hee University, Korea and as an R&D engineer with BMTech21 Worldwide, Korea. Rezaul has over 9 years of experience in research and development with a solid understanding of algorithms and data structures in C, C++, Java, Scala, R, and Python. He has published several research papers and technical articles concerning Bioinformatics, Semantic Web, Big Data, Machine Learning and Deep Learning using Spark, Kafka, Docker, Zeppelin, Hadoop, and MapReduce. Rezaul is also equally competent with (deep) machine learning libraries such as Spark ML, Keras, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, DeepLearning4j, MXNet, and H2O. Moreover, Rezaul is the author of the following books: Large-Scale Machine Learning with Spark, Deep Learning with TensorFlow, Scala and Spark for Big Data Analytics, Predictive Analytics with TensorFlow, Scala Machine Learning Projects, all by Packt Publishing.




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