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[체험판] IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook 2E 상세페이지

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[체험판] IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook 2E작품 소개

<[체험판] IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook 2E> ▶Book Description
Python is one of the leading open source platforms for data science and numerical computing. IPython and the associated Jupyter Notebook offer efficient interfaces to Python for data analysis and interactive visualization, and they constitute an ideal gateway to the platform.

IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook, Second Edition contains many ready-to-use, focused recipes for high-performance scientific computing and data analysis, from the latest IPython/Jupyter features to the most advanced tricks, to help you write better and faster code. You will apply these state-of-the-art methods to various real-world examples, illustrating topics in applied mathematics, scientific modeling, and machine learning.

The first part of the book covers programming techniques: code quality and reproducibility, code optimization, high-performance computing through just-in-time compilation, parallel computing, and graphics card programming. The second part tackles data science, statistics, machine learning, signal and image processing, dynamical systems, and pure and applied mathematics.

▶What You Will Learn
- Master all features of the Jupyter Notebook
- Code better: write high-quality, readable, and well-tested programs; profile and optimize your code; and conduct reproducible interactive computing experiments
- Visualize data and create interactive plots in the Jupyter Notebook
- Write blazingly fast Python programs with NumPy, ctypes, Numba, Cython, OpenMP, GPU programming (CUDA), parallel IPython, Dask, and more
- Analyze data with Bayesian or frequentist statistics (Pandas, PyMC, and R), and learn from actual data through machine learning (scikit-learn)
- Gain valuable insights into signals, images, and sounds with SciPy, scikit-image, and OpenCV
- Simulate deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems in Python
- Familiarize yourself with math in Python using SymPy and Sage: algebra, analysis, logic, graphs, geometry, and probability theory

▶Key Features
- Leverage the Jupyter Notebook for interactive data science and visualization
- Become an expert in high-performance computing and visualization for data analysis and scientific modeling
- A comprehensive coverage of scientific computing through many hands-on, example-driven recipes with detailed, step-by-step explanations

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is intended for anyone interested in numerical computing and data science: students, researchers, teachers, engineers, analysts, and hobbyists. A basic knowledge of Python/NumPy is recommended. Some skills in mathematics will help you understand the theory behind the computational methods.

▶What this book covers
▶ Part 1 – Interactive Computing with Jupyter
- Chapter 1, A Tour of Interactive Computing with Jupyter and IPython, contains a brief introduction to data analysis and numerical computing with IPython and Jupyter. It not only covers common packages such as Python, NumPy, pandas, and Matplotlib, but also advanced IPython/Jupyter topics such as interactive widgets in the Notebook, custom magic commands, configurable IPython extensions, and custom Jupyter kernels.
- Chapter 2, Best Practices in Interactive Computing, details best practices to write reproducible, high-quality code: task automation, version control with Git, workflows with IPython and Jupyter, unit testing, continuous integration, debugging, and other related topics. The importance of these subjects in computational research and data analysis cannot be overstated.
- Chapter 3, Mastering the Jupyter Notebook, covers topics related to the Jupyter Notebook, notably the Notebook format, notebook conversions, and interactive widgets.
- Chapter 4, Profiling and Optimization, covers methods to make your code faster and more efficient: CPU and memory profiling in Python, advanced optimization techniques with NumPy (including large array manipulations), and memory mapping of huge arrays. These techniques are essential for big data analysis.
- Chapter 5, High-Performance Computing, covers techniques to make your code much faster: code acceleration with Numba and Cython, wrapping C libraries in Python with ctypes, parallel computing with IPython and Dask, OpenMP, and General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) with CUDA. The chapter ends with an introduction to the Julia language, a high-performance numerical computing programming language that can be used in the Jupyter Notebook.
- Chapter 6, Data Visualization, introduces several visualization or interactive visualization libraries, such as matplotlib, seaborn, bokeh, D3, Altair, and others.

▶ Part 2 – Standard Methods in Data Science and Applied Mathematics
- Chapter 7, Statistical Data Analysis, covers methods for getting insights into data. It introduces classic frequentist and Bayesian methods for hypothesis testing, parametric and nonparametric estimation, and model inference. The chapter leverages Python libraries such as pandas, SciPy, statsmodels, and PyMC. The last recipe introduces the statistical language R, which can be easily used in the Jupyter Notebook.
- Chapter 8, Machine Learning, covers methods to learn and make predictions from data. Using the scikit-learn Python package, this chapter illustrates fundamental data mining and machine learning concepts such as supervised and unsupervised learning, classification, regression, feature selection, feature extraction, overfitting, regularization, cross-validation, and grid search. Algorithms addressed in this chapter include logistic regression, Naive Bayes, K-nearest neighbors, support vector machines, random forests, and others. These methods are applied to various types of datasets: numerical data, images, and text.
- Chapter 9, Numerical Optimization, covers minimizing and maximizing mathematical functions. This topic is pervasive in data science, notably in statistics, machine learning, and signal processing. This chapter illustrates a few root-finding, minimization, and curve-fitting routines with SciPy.
- Chapter 10, Signal Processing, covers extracting relevant information from complex and noisy data. These steps are sometimes required prior to running statistical and data mining algorithms. This chapter introduces basic signal processing methods such as Fourier transforms and digital filters.
- Chapter 11, Image and Audio Processing, covers signal processing methods for images and sounds. It introduces image filtering, segmentation, computer vision, and face detection with scikit-image and OpenCV. It also presents methods for audio processing and synthesis.
- Chapter 12, Deterministic Dynamical Systems, describes the dynamical processes underlying particular types of data. It illustrates simulation techniques for discrete-time dynamical systems, as well as for ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations.
- Chapter 13, Stochastic Dynamical Systems, describes the dynamical random processes underlying particular types of data. It illustrates simulation techniques for discrete-time Markov chains, point processes, and stochastic differential equations.
- Chapter 14, Graphs, Geometry, and Geographic Information Systems, covers analysis and visualization methods for graphs, flight networks, road networks, maps, and geographic data.
- Chapter 15, Symbolic and Numerical Mathematics, introduces SymPy, a computer algebra system that brings symbolic computing to Python. The chapter ends with an introduction to Sage, another Python-based system for computational mathematics.

출판사 서평

▶Editorial Review
We are becoming awash in the flood of digital data from scientific research, engineering, economics, politics, journalism, business, and many other domains. As a result, analyzing, visualizing, and harnessing data is the occupation of an increasingly large and diverse set of people. Quantitative skills such as programming, numerical computing, mathematics, statistics, and data mining, which form the core of data science, are more and more appreciated in a seemingly endless plethora of fields.

Python, a widely-known programming language, is also one of the leading open platforms for data science. IPython is a mature Python project that provides scientist-friendly interactive access to Python. It is part of the broader Project Jupyter, which aims to provide high-quality environments for interactive computing, data analysis, visualization, and the authoring of interactive scientific documents. Jupyter is estimated to have several million users today.

The prequel of this book, Learning IPython for Interactive Computing and Data Visualization Second Edition, Packt Publishing was published in 2015, two years after the first edition. It is a beginner-level introduction to data science and numerical computing with Python, IPython, and Jupyter.

This book, the first edition of which was published in 2014, continues that journey by presenting more than 100 recipes for interactive scientific computing and data science. These recipes not only cover programming topics such as numerical computing, high-performance computing, parallel computing, and interactive visualization, but also data analysis topics such as statistics, data mining, machine learning, signal processing, graph theory, numerical optimization, and many others.

This second edition is fully compatible with the latest versions of the platform and its libraries. It includes new recipes to better leverage the latest features of Python 3, and it introduces promising new projects such as JupyterLab, Altair, and Dask.

저자 소개

- Cyrille Rossant
Cyrille Rossant, PhD, is a neuroscience researcher and software engineer at University College London. He is a graduate of École Normale Supérieure, Paris, where he studied mathematics and computer science. He has also worked at Princeton University and Collège de France. While working on data science and software engineering projects, he has gained experience in numerical computing, parallel computing, and high-performance data visualization.

He is the author of Learning IPython for Interactive Computing and Data Visualization, Second Edition, Packt Publishing, the prequel of this cookbook.


▶ Part 1 – Interactive Computing with Jupyter
▶ Part 2 – Standard Methods in Data Science and Applied Mathematics


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