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Computer Vision with OpenCV 3 and Qt5 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Computer Vision with OpenCV 3 and Qt5

Build visually appealing, multithreaded, cross-platform computer vision applications
소장전자책 정가19,000
Computer Vision with OpenCV 3 and Qt5 표지 이미지

Computer Vision with OpenCV 3 and Qt5작품 소개

<Computer Vision with OpenCV 3 and Qt5> ▶Book Description
Developers have been using OpenCV library to develop computer vision applications for a long time. However, they now need a more effective tool to get the job done and in a much better and modern way. Qt is one of the major frameworks available for this task at the moment.

This book will teach you to develop applications with the combination of OpenCV 3 and Qt5. This book will teach you to create cross-platform computer vision applications. We'll begin by introducing Qt, its IDE, and its SDK. Next you'll learn how to use the OpenCV API to integrate both tools, and see how to configure Qt to use OpenCV. You'll go on to build a full-fledged computer vision application throughout the book.

Later, you'll create a stunning UI application using the Qt widgets technology, where you'll display the images after they are processed in an efficient way. At the end of the book, you'll learn how to convert OpenCV Mat to Qt QImage. You'll also see how to efficiently process images to filter them, transform them, detect or track objects as well as analyze video. You'll become better at developing OpenCV applications.

▶What You Will Learn
- Get an introduction to Qt IDE and SDK
- Be introduced to OpenCV and see how to communicate between OpenCV and Qt
- Understand how to create UI using Qt Widgets
- Know to develop cross-platform applications using OpenCV 3 and Qt 5
- Explore the multithreaded application development features of Qt5
- Improve OpenCV 3 application development using Qt5
- Build, test, and deploy Qt and OpenCV apps, either dynamically or statically
- See Computer Vision technologies such as filtering and transformation of images, detecting and matching objects, template matching, object tracking, video and motion analysis, and much more
- Be introduced to QML and Qt Quick for iOS and Android application development

▶Key Features
- Start creating robust applications with the power of OpenCV and Qt combined
- Learn from scratch how to develop cross-platform computer vision applications
- Accentuate your OpenCV applications by developing them with Qt

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for readers interested in building computer vision applications. Intermediate knowledge of C++ programming is expected. Even though no knowledge of Qt5 and OpenCV 3 is assumed, if you're familiar with these frameworks, you'll benefit.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Introduction to OpenCV and Qt, goes through all the required initializations. Starting with from where and how to get Qt and OpenCV frameworks, this chapter will describe how to install, configure, and make sure that everything is correctly set in your development environment.

- Chapter 2, Creating Our First Qt and OpenCV Project, takes you through the Qt Creator IDE, which we'll use to develop all of our applications. In this chapter, you'll learn how to create and run your application projects.

- Chapter 3, Creating a Comprehensive Qt+OpenCV Project, goes through the most common capabilities required for a comprehensive application, including styles, internationalization, and support for various languages, plugins, and so on. Through this process, we'll create a comprehensive computer vision application ourselves.

- Chapter 4, Mat and QImage, lays out the foundation and teaches you the basic concepts needed to write computer vision applications. In this chapter, you'll learn all about the OpenCV Mat class and the Qt QImage class, how to convert and pass them between the two frameworks, and a lot more.

- Chapter 5, The Graphics View Framework, teaches you how to use the Qt Graphics View framework and its underlying classes in order to easily and efficiently display and manipulate graphics in an application.

- Chapter 6, Image Processing in OpenCV, takes you through the image processing capabilities offered by OpenCV framework. You'll learn about transformations, filters, color spaces, template matching, and so on.

- Chapter 7, Features and Descriptors, is all about detecting keypoints from images, extracting descriptors from keypoints, and matching them with each other. In this chapter, you'll learn about various keypoint and descriptor extraction algorithms and end up using them to detect and locate a known object inside an image.

- Chapter 8, Multithreading, teaches you all about the multithreading capabilities offered by the Qt framework. You'll learn about mutexes, read-write locks, semaphores, and various thread synchronization tools. This chapter will also teach you about both the low-level (QThread) and high-level (QtConcurrent) multithreading technologies in Qt.

- Chapter 9, Video Analysis, covers how to correctly process videos using Qt and OpenCV frameworks. You'll learn about object tracking using MeanShift and CAMShift algorithms and other video processing functionalities. This chapter also includes a comprehensive overview of all the essential and basic concepts for video processing, such as Histograms and back-projection images.

- Chapter 10, Debugging and Testing, takes you through the debugging capabilities of the Qt Creator IDE and how it is configured and set up. In this chapter, you'll also learn about the unit testing capabilities offered by the Qt framework by writing example unit tests that can be run manually or automatically every time our project is built.

- Chapter 11, Linking and Deployment, teaches you to build both OpenCV and Qt frameworks dynamically or statically. In this chapter, you'll also learn about deploying Qt and OpenCV applications on various platforms. At the end of this chapter, we'll create an installer using Qt Installer Framework.

- Chapter 12, Qt Quick Applications, introduces you to Qt Quick Applications and the QML language. In this chapter, you'll learn about the QML language syntax and how to use it along with Qt Quick Designer to create beautiful Qt Quick Applications for desktop and mobile platform. You'll also learn about integrating QML and C++ in this chapter.

출판사 서평

▶Editorial Review
There has never been a better time to be a software developer than now. Just look around you and, most probably, you'll see at least a couple of different devices such as computers, smartphones, smart watches, or tablets running some applications on them that help you with various daily tasks or entertain you with music, movies, video games, and so on. Every year, hundreds of new devices are introduced into the market and new versions of operating systems are required to keep up with them in order to provide better interfaces for application developers to create software that makes better use of the underlying resources such as high-resolution displays, various sensors, and so on. As a consequence, software development frameworks have to adapt to and support the ever growing number
of platforms. Considering this, Qt is probably one of the most successful cross-platform software development frameworks that offers power, speed, flexibility and ease of use, all at the same time, and it is a top choice when it comes to creating software that needs to look appealing and consistent across a wide range of platforms.

In recent years, and especially with the rise of more powerful processors at lower costs, the role of desktop computers and their handheld counterparts has shifted toward performing the more demanding and complex tasks such as computer vision. Whether it is for intelligent movie or photo editing, securing a sensitive building, counting objects in a production line, or detecting traffic signs, lanes, or pedestrians by an autonomous car, computer vision is being used more and more to solve such real-time problems that once were expected to be solved only by humans. This is where OpenCV Framework enters the scene. In the past few years, OpenCV has grown into a full-fledged cross-platform computer vision framework, with a focus on speed and performance. All around the world, developers and researchers are using OpenCV to realize their computer vision application ideas and algorithms.

This book aims to get you to grips with both Qt and OpenCV frameworks by taking you through their basic concepts and taking you up to the point where you can easily continue on your own to develop and deliver computer vision applications across a wide range of platforms. The only assumption made for being able to easily follow the topics covered in this book is that you are familiar and comfortable with C++ programming concepts such as classes, templates, inheritance, and so on. Even though the tutorials, screenshots, and examples covered throughout the book are based on the Windows operating system, the
difference on macOS and Linux operating systems are also mentioned wherever necessary.

This book is the result of months of hard work, and it would have not been possible without the invaluable help of Lawrence Veigas, for his perfect editing; Karl Phillip Buhr, for his honest and insightful reviews and comments; Parth Kothari, without whom this book would have not been a reality; and Zainab Bootwala, Prajakta Naik, Aaron Lazar, Supriya Thabe, Tiksha Sarang, Rekha Nair, Jason Monteiro, Nilesh Mohite, and everyone at Packt Publishing who helped create and deliver this book as it is to you, our readers from all around the world.

저자 소개

- Amin Ahmadi Tazehkandi
Amin Ahmadi Tazehkandi completed his Software Engineering studies in Iran. Being born and raised in Tabriz, a highly industrial city, and as a member of a family full of engineers and inventors, he immediately dived into the world of software development and programming after entering the university in 2004. In 2012 he moved to Istanbul, Turkey, where he studied Control Engineering and got involved in a number of highly successful commercial and research projects involving computer vision. He is a longtime blogger and supporter of the open-source and cross-platform computer vision community with a long list of achievements including a Hackathon award, an IEEE best application for a proceeding award and a number of largely downloaded applications for Windows, macOS, Android and so on. Amin currently resides in Vienna, Austria, where he continues to research and write about cross-platform computer vision software development.




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