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Delphi Cookbook Third Edition 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Delphi Cookbook Third Edition

Recipes to master Delphi for IoT integrations, cross-platform, mobile and server-side development
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Delphi Cookbook Third Edition작품 소개

<Delphi Cookbook Third Edition> ▶Book Description
Delphi is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) that supports rapid application development on different platforms, saving you the pain of wandering amid GUI widget details or having to tackle inter-platform incompatibilities.

Delphi Cookbook begins with the basics of Delphi and gets you acquainted with JSON format strings, XSLT transformations, Unicode encodings, and various types of streams. You’ll then move on to more advanced topics such as developing higher-order functions and using enumerators and run-time type information (RTTI). As you make your way through the chapters, you’ll understand Delphi RTL functions, use FireMonkey in a VCL application, and cover topics such as multithreading, using aparallel programming library and deploying Delphi on a server. You’ll take a look at the new feature of WebBroker Apache modules, join the mobile revolution with FireMonkey, and learn to build data-driven mobile user interfaces using the FireDAC database access framework. This book will also show you how to integrate your apps with Internet of Things (IoT).

By the end of the book, you will have become proficient in Delphi by exploring its different aspects such as building cross-platforms and mobile applications, designing server-side programs, and integrating these programs with IoT.

▶What You Will Learn
⦁ Develop visually stunning applications using FireMonkey
⦁ Deploy LiveBinding effectively with the right object-oriented programming (OOP) approach
⦁ Create RESTful web services that run on Linux or Windows
⦁ Build mobile apps that read data from a remote server efficiently
⦁ Call platform native API on Android and iOS for an unpublished API
⦁ Manage software customization by making better use of an extended RTTI
⦁ Integrate your application with IOT

▶Key Features
⦁ Get to grips with Delphi to build and deploy various cross-platform applications
⦁ Design and deploy real-world apps by implementing a single source codebase
⦁ Build robust and optimized GUI applications with ease

▶Who This Book Is For
This book aims to help professional Delphi developers in their day-to-day job. This book will teach you about the newest Delphi technologies and its hidden gems. It is not a book for a newbie, but the practical approach will help you reach a new level with your Delphi skills. The experienced developer can benefit from this book, because non-trivial problems are solved using best practices. Where more than one way is available or the topic is too broad to be explained in the available pages, references are provided to allow you to go deeper into that field. It is a book to have on your desk for the next few years.

▶What this book covers
⦁ Chapter 1, Delphi Basics, talks about a set of general approaches that should not be ignored by any Delphi programmer. Some topics are simple and immediate and some are not, but all of them should be well understood. By the end of this chapter, the reader is able to use some of the fundamental Delphi techniques related to RTL, VCL, and OS integration.

⦁ Chapter 2, Becoming a Delphi Language Ninja, focuses on the Object Pascal language. The programming language is the way you talk to the machine, so you must be fluent and know all the possibilities offered. This chapter talks about higher-order functions, practical utilization of the extended RTTI, regular expressions, and other things useful to augment the power of your code and to lower the amount of time spent on debugging.

⦁ Chapter 3, Knowing Your Friends –. The Delphi RTL, focuses on the Delphi's RTL. There isn't a detailed description of all the Delphi's RTLs (you would need 10 books like this one, which would be particularly boring, I guess), but you can find some recipes that explain some of the most important RTL features and some less known but really useful classes. You'll learn how to use regular expressions, the most popular encoding format used by HTTP base applications, and how to use the built-in data de/compression-related classes.

⦁ Chapter 4, Going Cross-Platform with FireMonkey, is dedicated to the FireMonkey framework in general. What you will learn from this chapter can be used in many of the platforms that FireMonkey supports. Moreover, you will learn about non-trivial LiveBindings utilizations.

⦁ Chapter 5, The Thousand Faces of Multithreading, talks about thread synchronization and the mechanisms used to obtain this synchronization, such as TMonitor, thread-safe queues, and TEvent. It is also one of the most complex chapters. By the end of this chapter, the reader will be able to create and communicate with background threads, leaving your main thread free to update your GUI (or to communicate with the OS).

⦁ Chapter 6, Putting Delphi on the Server, focuses on how well Delphi can behave when running on a server. Some people think that Delphi is a client-only tool, but that's not true. In this chapter, we'll show you how to create powerful servers that offer services over a network. We'll also implement a JavaScript client that brings the database data into the user browser. The techniques explained in this chapter open a range of possibilities, especially in the mobile and web area.

⦁ Chapter 7, Linux Development, is dedicated to development with Delphi on the most commonly-used operating system for server environments—.Linux. This chapter covers several key points about Linux development: from the foundation, such as handling signals, forking, and daemonizing processes to the construction of RESTFul Server with database access and JavaScript client.

⦁ Chapter 8, Riding the Mobile Revolution with FireMonkey, explores the mobile development with Delphi and FireMonkey. If you are interested in mobile development, I think that will be your favorite chapter! Mobile is everywhere, and this chapter will explain how to write software for your Android or iOS device, what are the best practices to use, how to save your data on the mobile, how to retrieve and update remote data, and how to integrate with the mobile operating system.

⦁ Chapter 9, Using Specific Platform Features, shows you how to integrate your app with the underlying mobile operating systems beyond what FireMonkey offers. You will learn how to import Java and Objective C libraries in your app and how to use the SDK classes from your Object Pascal code.

⦁ Chapter 10, Delphi and IoT, talks about how the two most popular boards on the market—.Arduino and Raspberry Pi—.can interact with Delphi. You will learn how a Delphi application can control them, how can you control the components associated with them and recover data that they hold. The approach and techniques explained in this chapter open Delphi to IoT.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
If you've been a software developer for a long time, you certainly know how useful a conversation can be with a colleague who has already done something similar to what you are doing and can explain it, as they will have faced the same problem. It is not possible to put all the possible situations that a developer can face in a book, but many problems are similar, at least in principle. This is the reason this book is organized as a cookbook: just like a combination of foods can be adapted and modified to be appropriate for different types of dinner, a programming recipe can provide the idea to solve many different problems.

This book is an advanced guide that will help Delphi developers get more skilled in their everyday job. The everyday job, and the quality of your deliverables, is what is contributing to the quality of your professional life. If it does not make sense, reinventing the wheel repeatedly, especially when working with a well-established tool, such as Delphi. The focus of the book is to provide readers with comprehensive and detailed examples on how effectively the Delphi software can be designed and written. All the recipes in the book are the result of years of development, training, and consultancy activities in many different fields of IT, from small systems with thousands of installations to large systems commissioned by big companies or by governments. It is not a magic book that will solve all your development problems (if you find it, tell me, please!), but it could be helpful to get a different point of view on a specific problem, or a hint on how to solve problems. Armed with the knowledge of advanced concepts, such as high-order functions and anonymous methods, generics and enumerable, extended RTTI and duck typing, LiveBindings, multithreading, FireMonkey, mobile development, server-side development, and IoT, you will be pleasantly surprised how quickly and easily you can use Delphi to write high-quality, clean, readable, fast, maintainable, and extensible code. I read too many boring programming books, so I tried to maintain a relaxed and light exposition.

A small applicability scenario that describes a situation where a particular technology, approach, or design pattern can be used successfully introduces all the recipes. The recipes are not very complex, because otherwise the book may become thousands of pages long, but also not trivial, because the IT books landscape is already full of simple examples with few direct applicabilities. I tried to do a good tradeoff, and I hope to be able to do it. Every time I start reading a new book, I ask myself, Will the author have something interesting to say?, How much will this book change my point of view about the topics mentioned?, Is it worth the time spent to read it? Now, in spite of being from the other side of the river, I worked harder to put as much good quality contents in my books as possible; I hope that will match your expectations. One last note: writing hundreds of pages about advanced programming is not an easy task. However, I am very pleased to have done it, and I hope you will enjoy reading it at least as much as I enjoyed writing it.

In this third edition, the book still respects the structure and the style previously applied, which Daniele Teti explains perfectly in his preface. I just want to add that this approach is the best method for learning: a minimum of theory to understand the topic and a pragmatic approach with the resolution of a real problem so that the reader can have practical feedback and see it implemented.

저자 소개

⦁ Daniele Spinetti
Daniele Spinetti is a software architect living in Rome. He is an Embarcadero MVP. Delphi/Object Pascal is his favorite tool/programming language, and he is a lead and active member of several projects in the open source community. In his tutoring activities (conferences and training), he likes to talk about innovative topics in software architectures. He's a huge fan of design patterns and TDD.

⦁ Daniele Teti
Daniele Teti is a software architect, trainer, and consultant with over 20 years of experience. He drives the development of the most popular Delphi open source project on GitHub-DelphiMVCFramework. He's also a huge fan of design patterns, machine learning, and AI. Daniele is the CEO of BIT Time Professionals, an Italian company specializing in high-level consultancy, training, development, and machine learning systems.




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