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DevOps with Kubernetes Second Edition 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

DevOps with Kubernetes Second Edition

Accelerating software delivery with container orchestrators
소장전자책 정가22,000
DevOps with Kubernetes Second Edition 표지 이미지

DevOps with Kubernetes Second Edition작품 소개

<DevOps with Kubernetes Second Edition> ▶Book Description
Kubernetes has been widely adopted across public clouds and on-premise data centers. As we're living in an era of microservices, knowing how to use and manage Kubernetes is an essential skill for everyone in the IT industry.

This book is a guide to everything you need to know about Kubernetes―from simply deploying a container to administrating Kubernetes clusters wisely. You'll learn about DevOps fundamentals, as well as deploying a monolithic application as microservices and using Kubernetes to orchestrate them. You will then gain an insight into the Kubernetes network, extensions, authentication and authorization.

With the DevOps spirit in mind, you'll learn how to allocate resources to your application and prepare to scale them efficiently. Knowing the status and activity of the application and clusters is crucial, so we'll learn about monitoring and logging in Kubernetes. Having an improved ability to observe your services means that you will be able to build a continuous delivery pipeline with confidence. At the end of the book, you'll learn how to run managed Kubernetes services on three top cloud providers: Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure.

▶What You Will Learn
⦁ Learn fundamental and advanced DevOps skills and tools
⦁ Get a comprehensive understanding of containers
⦁ Dockerize an application
⦁ Administrate and manage Kubernetes cluster
⦁ Extend the cluster functionality with custom resources
⦁ Understand Kubernetes network and service mesh
⦁ Implement Kubernetes logging and monitoring
⦁ Manage Kubernetes services in Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform,and Microsoft Azure

▶Key Features
⦁ Learn about DevOps, containers, and Kubernetes all within one handy book
⦁ A practical guide to container management and orchestration
⦁ Learn how to monitor, log, and troubleshoot your Kubernetes applications

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for anyone who wants to learn containerization and clustering in a practical way using Kubernetes. No prerequisite skills are required, however, essential DevOps skill and public/private Cloud knowledge will accelerate the reading speed. If you're advanced, you can get a deeper understanding of all the tools and technique described in the book.

▶What this book covers
⦁ Chapter 1, Introduction to DevOps, walks you through the evolution from the past to what we call DevOps today, and the tools that you should know in this field. Demand for people with DevOps skills has been growing rapidly over the last few years. DevOps practices have accelerated software development and delivery speed, as well as helping business agility.

⦁ Chapter 2, DevOps with Containers, helps you learn the fundamentals of working with containers. With the increasing trend toward microservices, containers are a handy and essential tool for every DevOps practitioner because of the agility they bring to managing heterogeneous services in an uniform way.

⦁ Chapter 3, Getting Started with Kubernetes, explores the key components and API objects in Kubernetes, and how to deploy and manage containers in a Kubernetes cluster.

⦁ Chapter 4, Managing Stateful Workloads, describes pod controllers for different workloads, along with the volume management feature for maintaining the state of an application.

⦁ Chapter 5, Cluster Administration and Extension, navigates you through the access control features of Kubernetes, and looks at the built-in admission controllers that provide finer granularity of control over your cluster. Furthermore, we'll also learn how to build our own custom resource to extend the cluster with customized features.

⦁ Chapter 6, Kubernetes Network, explains how default networking and routing rules work in Kubernetes. We'll also learn how to expose HTTP and HTTPS routes for external access. At the end of this chapter, the network policy and service mesh features are also introduced for better resiliency.

⦁ Chapter 7, Monitoring and Logging, shows you how to monitor a resource's usage at the application, container, and node levels using Prometheus. This chapter also shows how to collect logs from your applications, the service mesh, and Kubernetes with Elasticsearch, Fluent-bit/Fluentd, and the Kibana stack. Ensuring the service is up and healthy is one of the major responsibilities of DevOps.

⦁ Chapter 8, Resource Management and Scaling, describes how to leverage the core of Kubernetes, the scheduler, to scale the application dynamically, thereby efficiently utilizing the resources of our cluster.

⦁ Chapter 9, Continuous Delivery, explains how to build a continuous delivery pipeline with GitHub/DockerHub/TravisCI. It also explains how to manage updates, eliminate the potential impact when doing rolling updates, and prevent possible failure. Continuous delivery is an approach to speed up your time-to-market.

⦁ Chapter 10, Kubernetes on AWS, walks you through AWS components and explains how to provision a cluster with the AWS-hosted Kubernetes service—EKS. EKS provides lots of integration with existing AWS services. We'll learn how to utilize those features in this chapter.

⦁ Chapter 11, Kubernetes on GCP, helps you learn the concept of GCP and how to run your applications in GCP's Kubernetes service offering—Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). GKE has the most native support for Kubernetes. We'll learn how to administer GKE in this chapter.

⦁ Chapter 12, Kubernetes on Azure, describes basic Azure components, such as Azure virtual network, Azure virtual machines, disk storage options, and much more. We'll also learn how to provision and run a Kubernetes cluster with Azure Kubernetes Service.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
This book explains fundamental concepts and useful skills for implementing DevOps principles with containers and Kubernetes. Our journey starts by introducing the core concepts of containers and Kubernetes, and we explore the various features provided by Kubernetes, such as persisting states and data for containers, different types of workloads, cluster network, and cluster management and extension. In order to supervise the cluster activity, we implement a monitoring and logging infrastructure in Kubernetes. For better availability and efficiency, we also learn how to autoscale containers and build a continuous delivery pipeline. Lastly, we learn how to operate the hosted Kubernetes platforms from the top three major public cloud providers.

저자 소개

⦁ Hideto Saito
Hideto Saito has around 20 years of experience in the computer industry. In 1998, while working for Sun Microsystems Japan, he was impressed by Solaris OS, OPENSTEP, and Sun Ultra Enterprise 10000 (also known as StarFire). He then decided to pursue UNIX and macOS operating systems.

In 2006, he relocated to southern California as a software engineer to develop products and services running on Linux and macOS X. He was especially renowned for his quick Objective-C code when he was drunk. He is also an enthusiast of Japanese anime, drama, and motorsports, and loves Japanese Otaku culture.

⦁ Hui-Chuan Chloe Lee
Hui-Chuan Chloe Lee is a DevOps and software developer. She has worked in the software industry on a wide range of projects for over 5 years. As a technology enthusiast, Chloe loves trying and learning about new technologies, which makes her life happier and more fulfilled. In her free time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with the people she loves.

⦁ Cheng-Yang Wu
Cheng-Yang Wu has been tackling infrastructure and system reliability since he received his master's degree in computer science from National Taiwan University. His laziness prompted him to master DevOps skills to maximize his efficiency at work so as to squeeze in writing code for fun. He enjoys cooking as it's just like working with software – a perfect dish always comes from balanced flavors and fine-tuned tastes.




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