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Hands-On Functional Programming with C++ 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Hands-On Functional Programming with C++

An effective guide to writing accelerated functional code using C++17 and C++20
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Hands-On Functional Programming with C++작품 소개

<Hands-On Functional Programming with C++> ▶Book Description
Functional programming enables you to divide your software into smaller, reusable components that are easy to write, debug, and maintain. Combined with the power of C++, you can develop scalable and functional applications for modern software requirements. This book will help you discover the functional features in C++ 17 and C++ 20 to build enterprise-level applications.

Starting with the fundamental building blocks of functional programming and how to use them in C++, you’ll explore functions, currying, and lambdas. As you advance, you’ll learn how to improve cohesion and delve into test-driven development, which will enable you in designing better software. In addition to this, the book covers architectural patterns such as event sourcing to help you get to grips with the importance of immutability for data storage. You’ll even understand how to “think in functions” and implement design patterns in a functional way.

By the end of this book, you’ll be able to write faster and cleaner production code in C++ with the help of functional programming

▶What You Will Learn
- Understand the fundamentals of functional programming
- Structure your code by understanding the building blocks of functional programming
- Compare design styles in functional programming and object-oriented programming (OOP)
- Use the concept of currying to create new functions in C++
- Become skilled at implementing design patterns in a functional way
- Get to grips with multithreading by means of functional programming
- Learn how to improve memory consumption when using functional constructs

▶Key Features
- Learn programming concepts such as loops, expressive code, and simple parallelization
- Understand the working of Lambdas and Currying and write Pure functions
- Explore event sourcing and other functional patterns to improve the efficiency of your applications

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for C++ developers who want to learn functional programming but have little to no knowledge of the paradigm. Although no prior knowledge of functional programming is necessary, basic C++ programming experience will help you understand key concepts covered in the book.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, An Introduction to Functional Programming, introduces you to the fundamental ideas of functional programming.

- Chapter 2, Understanding Pure Functions, teaches you the fundamental building blocks of functional programming, functions that focus on immutability, and how to write them in C++.

- Chapter 3, Deep Dive into Lambdas, focuses on lambdas and how to write them in C++.

- Chapter 4, The Idea of Functional Composition, looks at how to compose functions with a higher order operation.

- Chapter 5, Partial Application and Currying, teaches you how to use two fundamental operations on functions—partial application and currying in C++.

- Chapter 6, Thinking in Functions – from Data in to Data out, introduces you to another way of organizing your code, enabling function-centric design.

- Chapter 7, Removing Duplication with Functional Operations, is an overview of the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle, the types of code duplication and code similarities, and how to write more DRY code using functional operations such as composition, partial application, and currying.

- Chapter 8, Improving Cohesion Using Classes, demonstrates how functions can evolve into classes and how classes can be turned into functions.

- Chapter 9, Test-Driven Development for Functional Programming, looks at how to use Test- Driven Development (TDD) with functional programming and at how immutability and pure functions simplify tests.

- Chapter 10, Performance Optimization, dives into specific methods of how to optimize the performance of function-centric design, including memoization, tail recursion optimization, and parallel execution.

- Chapter 11, Property-Based Testing, looks at how functional programming enables a new paradigm of writing automated tests that enhances example-based testing with data generation.

- Chapter 12, Refactoring to and through Pure Functions, explains how any existing code can be refactored to pure functions and then back into classes with minimal risk. It also looks at classic design patterns and a few functional design patterns.

- Chapter 13, Immutability and Architecture – Event Sourcing, explains that immutability can move at the data storage level, looks at how to use event sourcing, and discusses its advantages and disadvantages.

- Chapter 14, Lazy Evaluation Using the Ranges Library, dives into the awesome ranges library and demonstrates how to use it in C++ 17 and C++ 20.

- Chapter 15, STL Support and Proposals, looks at STL functional features in the C++ 17 standard and at a few interesting additions to C++ 20.

- Chapter 16, Standard Language Support and Proposals, closes the book with an overview of the fundamental building blocks of functional programming and the various options for using them in the C++ 17 standard.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
Welcome to a hands-on tour of functional programming in C++! This book is about an old idea, that is, functional programming, and a classic programming language, that is, C++, finally uniting forces.

Functional programming has been around since the 1950s; however, due to its mathematical underpinnings, it has been of limited interest to mainstream software development for many years. With the advent of multicore CPUs and big data leading to the need for parallelization, and with programming language designers becoming more interested in immutability and lambdas, functional programming concepts have been gradually introduced in all major programming languages, including C#, Java, PHP, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. C++ has never been far from functional programming, with features such as function pointers, functors, and the algorithms from STL allowing many programmers to take advantage of certain constructs. However, starting with C++ 11, we see the introduction of lambdas, and of higher-order functions such as all_of, any_of, and none_of. In C++ 17, we see more progress, with the introduction of map (implemented as transform). Additionally, the features coming in C++ 20 are very exciting; for example, the ranges library, which allows composable, lightweight, and lazily evaluated transformations, is a great addition to the standard.

This brings us to what you will learn from this book. Whether you are a seasoned programmer or a C++ beginner, you will learn about functional programming concepts, how to use them in C++, and why they are useful for managing and improving existing code bases. Every idea will be showcased with clear code samples and verified with unit tests; we highly encourage you to take these code samples and play around with them yourself.

Special effort has been put into ensuring that every idea is presented in a clear manner, and that a flow of understanding is followed; in other words, we've been looking at optimizing your learning experience. In order to do that, we have decided to exaggerate the use of certain constructs. For example, the sample code uses a lot of lambdas since we wanted to show how they can be used. We believe that the best way to learn functional programming is to fully dive into the world of lambdas and operations on lambdas. We expect the reader to separate this approach from a production approach; in fact, I advise you to experiment with these concepts on your own, then on small parts of production code, and only then use those that are promising to their full extent. To support this goal, we have documented multiple ways of using operations on functions so that you will possess enough tools to use in various contexts.

It's important to note that we made a calculated decision to present the C++ 17 standard in most of the book. We don't use external libraries (other than the unit testing library), and we stick to the standard features of the language and of Standard Template Library (STL). The focus is on functional programming concepts and on how to implement them using a minimalistic approach. The only exception is the last section of the book that looks at the future of C++ and STL. We did this because we believe that it's more important for you to understand the concepts and be ready to apply them with minimal tooling than to provide a multitude of implementation options. This has left out the ranges library for most of the book, the Boost library support for functional programming, and, most likely, other useful libraries that can extend or simplify the code. I will leave it to the reader to try them out for themselves and let us know how they worked.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- Alexandru Bolboaca
With 20 years' experience in the software development industry, Alexandru Bolboaca has gone from being a junior C++ programmer to a technical lead and software architect, before becoming a technical coach and trainer. He has extensive experience in helping customers to improve the way they work, as well as their code and approach to testing. He is also the author of Usable Software Design, and the co-author of Coderetreat.


1 An Introduction to Functional Programming
2 Understanding Pure Functions
3 Deep Dive Into Lambdas
4 The Idea of Functional Composition
5 Obtaining Pure Functions Using Currying
6 Thinking in Functions - From Data In to Data Out
7 Removing Duplication Using Currying and Functional Composition
8 Improving Cohesion Using Classes
9 Test Driven Development for Functional Programming
10 Implementing Design Patterns with Functions
11 Performance Optimization
12 Parallel and Asynchronous Execution
13 Property-Based Testing
14 Refactoring Through Pure Functions
15 Immutability and Architecture - Event Sourcing
16 Understanding the Standard Language Support and C++20
17 An Overview of STL Support and C++20
18 Functional Programming Using Boost
19 Lazy Evaluation Using Ranges Library


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