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Enterprise API Management 상세페이지

Enterprise API Management작품 소개

<Enterprise API Management> ▶Book Description
APIs are the cornerstone of modern, agile enterprise systems. They enable access to enterprise services from a wide variety of devices, act as a platform for innovation, and open completely new revenue streams.

Enterprise API Management shows how to define the right architecture, implement the right patterns, and define the right organization model for business-driven APIs.

Drawing on his experience of developing API and microservice strategies for some of the world's largest companies, Luis Weir explains how APIs deliver value across an enterprise. The book explores the architectural decisions, implementation patterns, and management practices for successful enterprise APIs, as well as providing clear, actionable advice on choosing and executing the right API strategy in your enterprise.

With a relentless focus on creating business value, Luis Weir reveals an effective method for planning, building, and running business products and services with APIs.

▶What You Will Learn
- Create API strategies to deliver business value
- Monetize APIs, promoting them through public marketplaces and directories
- Develop API-led architectures, applying best practice architecture patterns
- Choose between REST, GraphQL, and gRPC-style API architectures
- Manage APIs and microservices through the complete life cycle
- Deploy APIs and business products, as well as Target Operating Models
- Lead product-based organizations to embrace DevOps and focus on delivering business capabilities

▶Key Features
- Comprehensive, end-to-end guide to business-driven enterprise APIs
- Distills years of experience with API and microservice strategies
- Provides detailed guidance on implementing API-led architectures in any business

▶Who This Book Is For
Architects, developers, and technology executives who want to deliver successful API strategies that bring business value.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, The Business Value of APIs – this chapter gives context to the rest of the book by elaborating on what APIs mean to a business and why they should be embraced. It also talks about business drivers for APIs and how to determine their value based on an API value chain.

- Chapter 2, The Evolution of API Platforms – this chapter takes a step back to look in detail at how technologies and platforms have evolved from traditional middleware and enterprise service bus-centric SOA architectures to fully federated, multi-cloud, and microservices-based architectures that enable APIs to exist and be managed wherever information resides.

- Chapter 3, Business-Led API Strategy – the main focus of this chapter is to deliver a comprehensive approach to defining API strategies that have clear, concise, and businesscentric goals and objectives.

- Chapter 4, API-Led Architectures – this chapter walks through a reference architecture and all of the capabilities required to implement modern APIs and fully decouple (micro)services. The chapter is a great reference for what modern stacks should look like.

- Chapter 5, API-Led Architecture Patterns – this chapter extends Chapter 4 by walking through how the different capabilities described in the reference architecture can be combined in order to deliver sound solutions to common problems.

- Chapter 6, Modern API Architectural Styles – this chapter gives a detailed overview of the trendiest API architectural styles (at the time this book was written). The chapter is a great source of inspiration for anyone looking for a point of view on different API styles and their pros and cons.

- Chapter 7, API Life Cycle – this chapter walks through the full API life cycle and also related ones, such as the service and API consumer life cycles. The chapter is a great reference for those wishing to implement end-to-end API processes and tools from scratch or anyone looking for inspiration on how to enhance existing ones.

- Chapter 8, API Products' Target Operating Model – as the name suggests, the chapter walks through what it really means to treat APIs as products and the implications this has for organizations. From core concepts to different operating models with their pros and cons, this chapter elaborates on a topic that is rarely discussed in the world of APIs.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) can be compared to doors: their main purpose is to provide access to something. Doors come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and materials, and offer different levels of security to protect whatever is behind them.

In the case of APIs, however, that something is digital assets such as raw and cleansed data, images, videos, documents, and even functionality that performs complex calculations or data processing based on inputs.

The same is also true with APIs. API management is a discipline that has evolved to deliver the processes and tools required to discover, design, implement, use, or operate enterprisegrade APIs. Most importantly, the discipline is responsible for managing the communities around APIs. Such communities may consist of developers building and/or using APIs in their apps, but there are also communities of business and IT executives looking to speed up innovation at a lower cost.

We can conclude that API management's true objective is to deliver value. This could be valuable to the business in the form of reducing development effort by using existing APIs (internally developed ones or external ones developed by third parties). Value could also come from monetizing APIs that offer intangible products (digital assets) that developers and/or executives alike would be willing to pay for.

Value can only be truly delivered when the full cycle of delivering something, in this case APIs, is fully understood, optimized, and overseen. The creation of an API strategy with a clear purpose and objectives is followed by the inception of an API through innovation workshops. Next is planning, design, implementation, deployment, operations, and monitoring, until the eventual retirement of the API.

API management is no longer just about implementing APIs. Thousands of public APIs (with more being added by the day) are listed in API marketplaces, such as programmableweb.com, and RapidAPI.com, each representing a digital door to an organization's digital product offerings. Thinking that all APIs need to be internally developed is a huge fallacy.

To summarize, API management must be as much about providing the means to discover and use public APIs as it is about implementing new ones. At the epicenter of any API management initiative must be the creation of value for the business but also for the users of an API.

저자 소개

- Luis Weir
Luis Augusto Weir is a Director of Software Development at Oracle and a former Chief Architect at Capgemini, Oracle Ace Director and Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador. An API management and microservices evangelist, Luis has over 17 years of experience implementing complex distributed systems around the world.

Co-author of 3 other books as well as numerous articles and white papers, Luis has been a frequent speaker frequent speaker at known events such as CodeOne, Devoxx, Gartner AAD&I, Oracle OpenWorld, Java2Days and many user groups and meetups.

Luis holds an MS in Corporate Networks and Systems Integration from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) and a BS in Electronics Engineering from the Universidad Nueva Esparta.


1 The Business Value of APIs
2 The Evolution of API Platforms
3 Business-Led API Strategy
4 API-Led Architectures
5 API-Led Architecture Patterns
6 Modern API Architectural Styles
7 API Life Cycle
8 API Products' Target Operating Model


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