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Jira 8 Administration Cookbook Third Edition 상세페이지

컴퓨터/IT 개발/프로그래밍 ,   컴퓨터/IT IT 해외원서

Jira 8 Administration Cookbook Third Edition

Over 90 recipes to administer, customize, and extend Jira Core and Jira Service Desk
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Jira 8 Administration Cookbook Third Edition 표지 이미지

Jira 8 Administration Cookbook Third Edition작품 소개

<Jira 8 Administration Cookbook Third Edition> ▶Book Description
Jira is a project management tool used widely by organizations to plan, track, and release software. Jira administrators are at the heart of these processes and need to know how to successfully administer and customize Jira offerings. This updated Jira 8 Administration Cookbook demonstrates how to efficiently work with Jira Core and Jira Service Desk.

The book starts with a variety of recipes to help you manage users and workflows. You'll learn how to set up custom forms and capture important data with custom fields and screens. Next, you'll gain insights into the latest email capabilities, which assist you with everything from managing outgoing email rules to processing incoming emails for automated issue creation. Later, you'll be guided through running scripts to automate tasks, getting easy access to logs, and even working with tools to troubleshoot problems. The book will also ensure you understand how to integrate Jira with Slack, set up SSO with Google, and delegate administrator permissions. Finally, the chapter on Jira Service Desk will enable you to set up and customize your own support portal, work with internal teams to solve problems, and achieve optimized services with Service Level Agreement (SLA).

By the end of this book, you'll have the skills to extend and customize your Jira implementation effectively.

▶What You Will Learn
- Learn how to delegate administrator permissions effectively
- Gain insights into integrating Jira with Bitbucket Cloud and GitHub
- Explore ways to collaborate with your internal teams on service requests
- Understand how to add permissions to fields
- Learn how to set up SSO with Google
- Discover how to copy over configuration settings between Jira instances

▶Key Features
- Learn how to customize Jira applications to suit your organizational requirements
- Extend Jira's capabilities for custom integrations with other products and services such as Slack and GitHub
- Explore practical recipes for troubleshooting and securing your Jira instances with best practices

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for administrators who are looking to customize, support, and maintain Jira for their organizations. A good understanding of Jira's core concepts is a must to make the most out of this book. For certain recipes, some knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and basic programming will also be helpful.

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Jira Server Administration, contains recipes that help you administer your Jira server, including upgrading and securing Jira with the SSL certificate.

- Chapter 2, Customizing Jira for Your Projects, contains recipes that allow you to customize Jira with custom fields and screens. This chapter also includes advanced techniques, such as using scripts and third-party apps to add more control to fields that are not available out of the box with Jira.

- Chapter 3, Jira Workflows, covers one of the most powerful features in Jira, with recipes that show you how to work with workflows, including permissions and user input validation. This chapter also covers useful third-party apps and using scripts to extend out-of-the-box components.

- Chapter 4, User Management, explains how users and groups are managed within Jira. It starts with simple recipes covering out-of-the-box user management features, and goes on to include topics such as LDAP integration and various single sign-on implementations.

- Chapter 5, Jira Security, focuses on the different security control features offered by Jira, including different levels of permission and authorization control. This chapter also covers other security-related topics, such as user password policy and capturing electronic signatures.

- Chapter 6, Emails and Notifications, explains Jira's email handling system for both outgoing and incoming emails. This chapter also covers Jira's event system and how to extend the basic set of events and templates.

- Chapter 7, Integrations with Jira, covers how to integrate Jira with other systems, including other Atlassian applications and many other popular cloud platforms, such as Google Drive and GitHub.

- Chapter 8, Jira Troubleshooting and Administration, covers the ways to troubleshoot various problems in Jira. Recipes include diagnosing common problems related to permissions and notification and more advanced features, where you, as the administrator, can mimic a user to better understand the problem.

- Chapter 9, Jira Service Desk, covers Jira Service Desk, the new addition to the Jira platform. Jira Service Desk allows you to turn your Jira instance into a fully featured help desk system, leveraging Jira's powerful workflow and other customization features.

출판사 서평

▶ Preface
Atlassian Jira is an enterprise-issue tracker system. One of its key strengths is its ability to adapt to the needs of the organization from the frontend user interface to provide a platform for third-party apps to extend its capabilities. However, understanding its flexibility and picking the right apps can often be a daunting task for many administrators. Learning how to take advantage of Jira's power while keeping the overall design simple and clean is important to the success of the implementation and future growth.

With this book, you can make full use of useful recipes with real-life Jira administration challenges, solutions, and examples. Each recipe contains easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions and illustrations from the actual Jira application.

저자 소개

▶About the Author
- Patrick Li
Patrick Li is the cofounder of AppFusions and works there as a senior engineer. AppFusions is one of the leading Atlassian experts, specializing in integration solutions with many enterprise applications and platforms, including IBM Connections, Jive, Google Apps, and more. He has worked in the Atlassian ecosystem for over 9 years, developing products and solutions for the Atlassian platform and providing expert consulting services. He has authored many books and video courses covering Jira 4 to 8. He has extensive experience in designing and deploying Atlassian solutions from the ground up, and customizing existing deployments for clients across verticals such as healthcare, software engineering, financial services, and government agencies.


1. Jira Server Administration
2. Customizing Jira for Your Projects
3. Jira Workflows
4. User Management
5. Jira Security
6. Emails and Notifications
7. Integrations with Jira
8. Jira Troubleshooting and Administration
9. Jira Service Desk


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