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J. M. G. 르 클레지오 Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio

    J. M. G. 르 클레지오 프로필

  • 국적 프랑스
  • 출생 1940년 4월 13일
  • 학력 1983년 페르피냥 대학교 대학원 박사
    1964년 액상프로방스 대학교 석사
    니스 문학전문학교 학사
    브리스톨 대학교
  • 수상 2008년 노벨상 문학상
    1980년 폴 모랑 문학 대상

2024.02.26. 업데이트 작가 프로필 수정 요청

About the Author
J. M. G. Le Clézio is a French writer dubbed “the living legend of French modern literature.” Born in 1940 in Nice, France, Le Clézio holds dual French and Mauritian nationality. In 1963, he achieved success at the age of 23 when his first novel Le Procès-Verbal (The Interrogation) won the Prix Renaudot. In 1980, Le Clézio was the first winner of the Grand Prix Paul Morand, awarded by the Académie Française, for his novel Désert (Desert). Le Clézio also received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2008. The writer has written more than 40 novels including Poisson d'or (1997) and Hasard suivi de Angoli Mala (1999).

About the Translator

Brother Anthony of Taizé (An Sonjae) was born in 1942 in the UK. He studied Medieval and Modern Languages at Oxford and in 1969 he joined the Taizé Community in France. He taught English literature at Sogang University, Seoul, for nearly three decades. He is emeritus professor at Sogang University and chair-professor at Dankook University. Since 1990 he has published more than forty volumes of translated works by such esteemed Korean authors as Ku Sang, Ko Un, Cheon Sang-byeong, Shin Kyeong-nim, Park Yuhui, Yi Mun-yol, Do Jong-hwan, and Jeong Ho-Seung. Since January 2011 he has been president of the Royal Asiatic Society’s Korea branch. He received the Korean government’s Award of Merit, Jade Crown class, in October 2008 for his work to spread knowledge of Korean literature throughout the world. In 2015 he was awarded an honorary MBE by Queen Elizabeth for his contributions to Anglo-Korean relations.

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J. M. G. 르 클레지오 작품 총 8종

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